Question Share of a thought


Don't buy from me
Apr 15, 2022
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Hi everyone, I have be with this forum few months ago, awesome peoples, I would like to say thank you everyone for helping each other on the road of chemistry and growing

I writing this post is that I have a question like to ask you guys, I am living in Malaysia and I would like to be a drug dealer, online drug dealing, but the reality is not that easy, most Malaysians are still not familiar to crypto and they don't deal drugs online, i met few dealers only way they make their living is get on street and start selling

I am qualified programmer, and I have used all my savings to get on this drug dealer path, may I have advises from you guys? should I continue or back to office life?

just for a side note, i do provide some Malaysian substances like XTC, Ketamine, noid etc. now I got from a local supplier, any chance on dealing internationally?

I first choose this road is because I wanted to invest myself to become a hacker, but this investment has an unpredictable amount of money, and I saw a very few drug dealers around me they had made their successful stories, thats why I chose this road at first, please don't judge me, I have been questioning myself lately should I keep it up and very frustrated, please leave your comment I will be greatly appreciates, thanks