home brewing Trenabolone Acetate (Tren Ace) with pictures (one of the most popular anabolic steroids for strength and lean mass)


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Nov 10, 2022
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In this post i am going to explain how to brew Trenabolone Acetate (Tren Ace), first is a list for what you will need.
1. Two 500ml pyrex pot
2. A 500 ml glass beaker
3. 250 ml of Benzyl Alcohol
4. 250 ml of Benzyl Benzoate
5 1000 ml of MCT oil make sure its 100 percent MCT. you can use grap seed oil or cotton seed oil. Mct is the best
6. 60 grams of Trenabolone Acetate.
7. 2 60ml syringe and three 3 ml syringe you was also 18 or 22 guage needles.
8. 1 500ml complete bottle top filtration system the filter 0.22um one 0.45um complete 500ml filtration system. These are sometimes hard to get so if you want to go old school you can use the syringe filter. you would need two 0.22um filters and two 0.45um syringe filter.
Now once you have this list its time to cook. Remember most steroids can be brewed with these solvents you would just change the active compound. You will need a big pot one you would use to boil water or you can use a hot plate with a magnetic stir. The way im going to show you is the economic way to brew.
This recipe i am giving you will yield 50, 10ml bottles at a 10 percent overdose just in case your raw material isnt 99 percent pure and to make a very strong finished product that will give insane gains. This recipe will give you dosage of 100 mg per 1 ml.
Here is the recipe you will use.
1. 60 grams of trenabolone acetate
2. ba 10 ml this 0.1% of the total brew keeps the gear sterile
3. bb 90ml this is 0.18% percent of the total brew. bb keeps the gear in liquid form prevents crashing which is when the oil turns into a crystal soild state
4. 358 ml of Mct oil this is your carrier oil. the oil that will carry the hormone into your body.
Little tip when it comes to ba and bb less is more so the less solvents used the better. too much Benzyl Benzoate or Benzyl Alcohol the injection will sting when injecting and will give you a bad post injection pain.

This the BB and the BA i used. that is also the Raw Tren Ace powder (60 Grams)


This photo is now all 3 solvents (BB BA MCT) MCT oil is in the Pyrex


In that glass beaker that is the BB BA mixed together. Now you add in the raws and stir them together


Same part of the process from the picture before this one


Now you poor into the pyrex with the MCT oil and mix it all together


Now you put that pyrex into a pot oh boiling water and water bath it. continue stiring while water bathing the gear


now you stir and cook it until you see no hormone swirls and no crystals aka the hormone crytals


you can now see how clear the gear is becoming. you are almost done


Now after all of that you must let it cool off before putting it through the auto fill filters.


This is called a complete bottle top filtration system. you need a small vacuum pump to apply vacuum pressure
this filter is a .22 filter


this last step is the same as before but this 2nd filter is a .45. i filter twice because it makes it not feel like motor oil going into the ass checks


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Dec 18, 2022
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You on gear? Can you recommend a lab or give pointers about which ones to avoid? Not trying to source, just curious of what to look out for, so many new "pharma" sources popped up that do not even exist when googled it's ridiculous. I used to only source locally since I did not trust someone I did not know not to phuck it up.


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Jun 23, 2022
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@nucky very nice addition to the forum
how compares the Trenabolone Ace to Testosterone Propionate?
Which steroids could be taken if one wants to take steroids as pills and not inject them?
And which steroids are in the more ''harmless'' section of steroids, more safe to take if you could say so?

Katty Korner

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Dec 17, 2022
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@nucky very nice addition to the forum
how compares the Trenabolone Ace to Testosterone Propionate?
Which steroids could be taken if one wants to take steroids as pills and not inject them?
And which steroids are in the more ''harmless'' section of steroids, more safe to take if you could say so?
ChingShihTestosterone is the safest injectable steroid. Most studies, and most know of effects and side effects.

You absolutely have to inject. You can't use steroids without a testoserone base. Testoserone is a useful chemical in the body, and injecting or consuming steroids shuts off natural production. Thus, you need to at least have enough Testosterone to function. You i gues technically could get testosterone gels and use oral steroids, but that is not nearly as effective as just a simple testosterone cycle, and much more risky in terms of health


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Nov 10, 2022
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Testosterone is the safest injectable steroid. Most studies, and most know of effects and side effects.

You absolutely have to inject. You can't use steroids without a testoserone base. Testoserone is a useful chemical in the body, and injecting or consuming steroids shuts off natural production. Thus, you need to at least have enough Testosterone to function. You i gues technically could get testosterone gels and use oral steroids, but that is not nearly as effective as just a simple testosterone cycle, and much more risky in terms of health
Katty KornerYes ChingShih injection is really the best way. To answer how does tren compare to test prop, tren ace is king of the steroid family but you always need a test base no matter what. You can do these other hormones without testosterone but it will bring on side effects. Always have a test base no matter what cycle your on.


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Jun 23, 2022
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@Katty Korner so which form of steroid is the most ''safe'' regarding health to use like one or two cycles? to try and see how it works on the body?
because there are so much forms of this testosterone it is hard to get a grip on which is the best

Katty Korner

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Dec 17, 2022
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@Katty Korner so which form of steroid is the most ''safe'' regarding health to use like one or two cycles? to try and see how it works on the body?
because there are so much forms of this testosterone it is hard to get a grip on which is the best
ChingShihHonestly, go to reddit and look on the r/steroids subreddit. It has so much information, and can pretty much answer all your questions before you even ask them.


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Nov 10, 2022
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Testosterone Cyp, Test Enth, or Test prop. these are all very good choices in regards to health. Testosterone enth and test cyp have long half life test prop is faster acting 3 day half life. Now the best way to do testosterone for health woud be hormone replacement therapy which you would need blood work to find out were your testosterone levels are at. The testosterone you would be put on would be test cyp, Now if you didnt want to go the doctor route you can use testosterone enth. Start at 125mg a week get some blood work and see if you need to lower or raise the dosage. Now you can also use one baby asprin a day and also a low dosage beta blocker like spironolactone. These will protect your heart if you were worried about that. With a dosage of less than 200mg of testosterone you wont have to worry about your heart. I just thought i would mention it because you can use those two medications if you want to do more testosterone.


Expert Pharmacologist
Jul 6, 2021
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Testosterone therapy has various risks, including:
  • Worsening sleep apnea — a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts.
  • Causing acne or other skin reactions.
  • Stimulating noncancerous growth of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and growth of existing prostate cancer.
  • Enlarging breasts.
  • Limiting sperm production or causing testicles to shrink.
  • Stimulating too much red blood cell production, which contributes to the increased risk of forming a blood clot. A clot could break loose, travel through your bloodstream and lodge in your lungs, blocking blood flow (pulmonary embolism).
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