getting clean off FETYNAL


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Dec 10, 2024
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so i have found an effective method for getting off of fetynal without any withdrawls in 5 days and at trhe end of the 5 days your not using anything at all;...
1, you have to WANT to be clean from fetynal thats most important.
2. you will sp[end a couple days initiall;y prior to the 5 days lowering your tolerance so you will wait until; withdrawl starts to take place andx youl will smoke *1* hit of fetty or blues and only mone hit then waiot until withdrawl starts and again take one hit only you will do this for 2 days, on the begingin of 5 days you will waiot for withdrawl to starat then take 1 bottle of merthadone say 120,mg or 100mg depending on how big of a habbit you have and you will drink halfd of the bottle only half, it is long actingand will last a long time probly the wholem day till day 2 NOTE you will not be high you will be normal basically sober weithout withdraw , you ncan continue to smoke meth or weed or whatever else you enjoy, now day 2 when withdraw starts you will take a baby sip of the remaning half of methadone bottle and y9iou will continue this withdrawl/sip process form the nremaing 5 days and on day 5 you will have finished the methadone and stop using it completely importantr to not continue methadone use after the 5 days because somehwree betqween 6 or 7 days of methadonen use causes physicall addiction to methadone and there is no methadone for methadone, and you will be past the withdrawls from the fetyanll and notmaddicted to methadone , i have tried this successfully and shared it with several friends that have had great results as well., im not certain of how many times you can use this method but i know it works great once... thanks hope this helps anyone wanting to be free of fetymnal..