Friends... MY PACKAGE HAS LANDED!!! Beautiful, wonderful 4MMC from Germany. I want to thank my foreign friends for their patronage in sending this over. My butthole clenched a little when I saw it was held in customs for a minute but there was no need to worry. Packaging was VERY professional, no dog was sniffing this out, and it is STINKY so I am very impressed.
I was once like you, looking on jealously as others received their product, but NO MORE! and let me assure you, if you ask for a 'free drug' here, you will not be disappointed! You will get it, the patience is hard but worth it!
This really needs a banana for scale lol I will rectify that next time but it is about 2.5 grams and this is after I crushed up two fairly large rocks!:
I got myself a good noseful and went on a wonderful nature walk, felt like I was floating the whole way
Sitting here with a really good buzz going and just hopeful that when I begin cooking my product is even half as good! Also a great serendipitous situation seeing as 4MMC is what I will be starting with!
Thanks again to the whole team for this
@Glitchy, this is truly the next generation of substance market and from now on I'll always say BB is the only site that really matters at all on the Dark Web. It's very frustrating we have to all feel like criminals when these substances help so many people in so many ways.
Thanks to this site I will be spreading 'love' myself soon. This site is truly an amazing learning tool and resource.
I thank the Gods/Goddesses I found BB!!!
(it's just an amazing bonus that Breaking Bad happens to be my favorite show of all time lol)
P.S. and remember kids: always use a program like ImageOptim to strip the metadata from your photos before uploading them! (this one had exact fucking lat/long on it! I guess please tell me if you're somehow still able to see that info thaaanks
