Free samples from BB Forum for everybody!


Don't buy from me
New Member
Jun 25, 2024
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Hey, can I still get some?:cool:


Don't buy from me
Feb 7, 2023
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Hey, can I still get some?:cool:
trixxx01I'm interested as well. I received your sample yesterday, THANK YOU!! What a treat! How do I let others know how great your products are??


Don't buy from me
New Member
Nov 5, 2023
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can i still receive a free sample? My drug of chocie is methampetamine

:) thanks,



Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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SoldadoDeDrogasThis is the sample I got from the folks at BB. 2g of 4mmc or "cat". Sorry for not taking a better pic of it outside the bag. It was mostly crushed up and powdered so not much to look at, but either way, free drugs so no complaints here (y). I recognize that smell... yes... that distinct smell... and the taste!. This is more or less what was going around as "molly" in my area around ~10 or so years ago. It was able to pass off as MDMA or an analog of because of the "rolling" effect it gives.

I cut right to the chase and IV'ed a .3 or so .. and yep.. that's the stuff. For those that don't know, it's kind of like a psychedelic amphetamine is the best way I can describe it. It's a highly euphoric stimulant, at a high enough dose you get visual effects. Used IV it's a pretty intense high at ~.25g and up you should see visual distortion (depending on weight, I'm about 180lbs.) You get an intense euphoria rush for about 30 mins and then it starts dropping off and you're high for about another hour or so. It's different from other stims like cocaine or dexamphetamine because it gives you that signature "rolling" sensation. It's hard to explain - it's overly stimulating but at the same time almost feels kinda sedating or relaxing.. but it just pulls you along. It makes you feel kinda "dopey" but not simillar to a heroin nod.
I shared the rest of it with some friends and asked for their feedback... they IVed it also, about the same amount as me. They didn't really have much to say other than "They liked it, and it was good.. and whether or not I had or could get any more." I was hoping for something a little more but you can't really expect such eloquent trip reports from street addicts.
I gave another friend a .8 to parachute (eat it). She enjoyed it alot also. She said she was high as hell for about 3 hours then came down for another 2 and was back to normal after about 6 hours after dosing. She wanted to know how soon I was able to get any more also. So, let it be known, this sample was well received and will be missed as there is a good demand but no supply.

Any word on those promo synth kits? :B

Thank you everyone at BB - the admins, staff, all the users. Everyone who made this possible. This was really cool and something you don't see.. like ever?
Who gives away free samples and not expecting to get anything in return? Very awesome... thanks again.


Don't buy from me
Oct 13, 2023
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This is the sample I got from the folks at BB. 2g of 4mmc or "cat". Sorry for not taking a better pic of it outside the bag. It was mostly crushed up and powdered so not much to look at, but either way, free drugs so no complaints here (y). I recognize that smell... yes... that distinct smell... and the taste!. This is more or less what was going around as "molly" in my area around ~10 or so years ago. It was able to pass off as MDMA or an analog of because of the "rolling" effect it gives.

I cut right to the chase and IV'ed a .3 or so .. and yep.. that's the stuff. For those that don't know, it's kind of like a psychedelic amphetamine is the best way I can describe it. It's a highly euphoric stimulant, at a high enough dose you get visual effects. Used IV it's a pretty intense high at ~.25g and up you should see visual distortion (depending on weight, I'm about 180lbs.) You get an intense euphoria rush for about 30 mins and then it starts dropping off and you're high for about another hour or so. It's different from other stims like cocaine or dexamphetamine because it gives you that signature "rolling" sensation. It's hard to explain - it's overly stimulating but at the same time almost feels kinda sedating or relaxing.. but it just pulls you along. It makes you feel kinda "dopey" but not simillar to a heroin nod.
I shared the rest of it with some friends and asked for their feedback... they IVed it also, about the same amount as me. They didn't really have much to say other than "They liked it, and it was good.. and whether or not I had or could get any more." I was hoping for something a little more but you can't really expect such eloquent trip reports from street addicts.
I gave another friend a .8 to parachute (eat it). She enjoyed it alot also. She said she was high as hell for about 3 hours then came down for another 2 and was back to normal after about 6 hours after dosing. She wanted to know how soon I was able to get any more also. So, let it be known, this sample was well received and will be missed as there is a good demand but no supply.

Any word on those promo synth kits? :B

Thank you everyone at BB - the admins, staff, all the users. Everyone who made this possible. This was really cool and something you don't see.. like ever?
Who gives away free samples and not expecting to get anything in return? Very awesome... thanks again.
SoldadoDeDrogasBig respect for @Glitchy & bb 💞 💪🏻team,Great job,my sample was great as you said 🔥⭐🙀


Don't buy from me
New Member
Jul 2, 2024
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Free drugs for everyone!

💞 There are already 30,000 of Breaking Bad Forum users all over the world! Why not please our wonderful users with an attractive promotion?

❗️ Everyone can get a free sample, just register and write me to get your free drug sample
💰 We pay for stuff and delivery, you pay nothing

🔥 Tell your friends, it's more pleasant to receive gifts together! It doesn't matter where you're from in the world, we'll send it by mail or give you a dead drop.

😎 We don't expect anything in response, not even a review, we just give you a good mood & great time with our product

💥 Click on register, come up with a nice nickname and a strong password. We are waiting for your message. Hurry up, the number of free samples is limited!

View attachment 39368
GlitchyI would like to try a sample please 🙏🏻


Don't buy from me
New Member
Jun 29, 2024
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Hi can i have a sample Meth würde sogar zahlen suche richtig starkes Meth wie in den 90er tschenmeth heutzutage finde ich nicht mehr oder selten das er so stark ist obwohl die Steine rein sind an was liegt das ?
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