This Post got me thinking more about snorting! And OK I'm totally snorting right now but I think this is still a good and 'relevant to the Thread' tip!:
Try and only ever use just ONE nostril at all times, make that your 'Magic Highway' and leave the other one free for breathing, living comfortably, etc.
Doing this has done a few things for me;
Very good for redosing too early, I'll admit waiting for the clock can be hard.. If my Magic Highway is still pissed off, maybe now isn't the time to try and shove more stuff up there(?) "Great Job Kurt!"
The SO is less likely to get suspicious without all the random sniffling going on in the apt when they're home!
You won't be a silly mouth-breather all the time!
When I am coming down no matter how clear my nostrils are my Magic Highway always starts to flare back up again (wanting more of that sweet sweet Meow Meow I'm sure) But as anyone who's tried this shit knows, there's no sleep.. till BROOKLYN! (or roughly not until after 5-6 hours or so) so I have to plan when to stop for the day. With one clear nostril I can actually fucking sleep and can't imagine the nightmare of both these face holes being clogged at once... Pretty sure because I know me I'd say 'fuck it' and snort some more just to open them up, so basically I'd probably never sleep again.
I was legit addicted to nasal spray decades ago and it was fucking awful, only a select few. would I wish that particular horror on. Imagine NEEDING something every two hours just for the medical effect of opening your nostrils. Took like two fucking weeks for that shit to go away. STAY AWAY FROM STIMULANT NASAL SPRAYS! (unless you have other motives?

Final tip from me for today: pure saline (Arm & Hammer has a great medicine free one) nasal spray is very helpful about thirty minutes after the 'act' to clear up any lingering mediciny taste, then I try to plan about twenty minutes ahead of the next line and use nasal spray again, it's amazing the difference I can feel, and very helpful, your secondary facial breathing apparatus will look up and thank you!