best foods for the munchies?


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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personally i love sushi when i have the munchies. also just tried sakura mochi while high and it was immaculate, its what inspired me to make this thread lol


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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Have hardly munchies but sushi good


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Aug 4, 2022
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personally i love sushi when i have the munchies. also just tried sakura mochi while high and it was immaculate, its what inspired me to make this thread lol
fidelisAh I have to disagree I like chocolate Hagen das or late 30’s to early 40’s completely hairless pussy, fourth would be tallhouse chocolate chip cookies and 5th is German chocolate cake. Whole milk being an absolute necessity with the last 2 and meth and a tumbler of bushmills with number two and real whipped cream with #1 and potentially number 2 also.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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Ah I have to disagree I like chocolate Hagen das or late 30’s to early 40’s completely hairless pussy, fourth would be tallhouse chocolate chip cookies and 5th is German chocolate cake. Whole milk being an absolute necessity with the last 2 and meth and a tumbler of bushmills with number two and real whipped cream with #1 and potentially number 2 also.
TheWatermanall of those go hard except eating on meth. i vomit every time i try lol
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Don't buy from me
Feb 6, 2024
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i recommend you cabbages, out of jokes, if you dont like vegetables, idk, but vegetables can fill your void stomach easily, i say you from the empirical evidence, isnt scientific too.


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Feb 6, 2024
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Depending on the drugs you use, it also influences, I am more into the cannabis issue.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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Depending on the drugs you use, it also influences, I am more into the cannabis issue.
Nihahahaweed is the only drug that makes me hungry ^^;

i cant eat on anything else except maybe alcohol but i dont like drinking. i usually just cry every time i get wasted...
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Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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First time I seen someone else say whole milk. Big ups! I swear by it - liquid food! And that animal fat, so good for you! I'm the most wasted guy walkin down the street but I got a quart jug of whole milk in my paper bag that I'm sippin' on. Usually milk for day 1 and 2, if anything at all. After that, an appetite is developed somewhat, it's hard to say. The poison is in the dose, as long as I'm not clenching my teeth I can eat just about anything by then. Sometimes it is time for work and you realize you been up since work on friday. Be prepared. Milk and pedialyte will save yo ass! Sometimes a redbull and package of skittles is the breakfast of champs.

On weed, shit, everything is highly edible on weed, that's usually when the sweet tooth kicks in or you get a craving (salty, spicy, peanutbutter etc.)... I could write a book, but if I gotta pick, terriyaki chicken stirfry over fluffy white rice, or rice n beans with the must have "special sauce" ;] ... ... A couple california rolls are always good though. Breakfast food very late night/early morning, usually drinking, maybe after a good trip, who knows... I love fried potatoes, pancakes, bacon, an omlette, the whole shabang. Cold fruit salad with honey or a berry smoothie and lastly OJ for digestion and it's time for a good nap - I very rarely drink alcohol though. Drinking sucks... but there's a time and place. I typically have to choose my phase of abuse, alcohol or opiates, for me usually the latter. That's a whole other can of worms though.

I preach mostly vegetarian but I rarely practice it. Straight up fruit and veggies all the way, or otherwise anything unprocessed, in other words, get as close to the natural form as when it was harvested. Eggs, fish, beans, nuts/legumes etc. Avoid the farm fish. Did I say whole milk? Cottage cheese and yogurt. Try to avoid red meat and pork whenever possible. I can never say no to a good cheeseburger though... Chicken and turkey aren't too bad for you but try to eat sparingly in conservative helpings. I've been living off toast for the last month or so but try not to eat any grains, it's all processed or BS really, empty calories with harmful additives. Oatmeal is probably the only exception. Cut out the butter, the sugar and cream, add olive oil, honey, vinegar and all the garlic, pepper and herbs you want and you're golden ponyboy. This wasn't meant to be a health-nut thread or post obviously, but those are my words of wisdom. Try to take care of yourself. You don't always want or have to, but sometimes you need to and must go the distance. It's good to know how. It's not the methamphetamine destroying you so fast, it's the lack of sleep and care. Fester looks kinda old for his age but he did OK considering. Brush teeth whenever possible - better yet keep a set with you in the car or whatever. I could keep going but I'll save it for another post.

One of my favorite sayings, "Hunger is the best spice".


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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First time I seen someone else say whole milk. Big ups! I swear by it - liquid food! And that animal fat, so good for you! I'm the most wasted guy walkin down the street but I got a quart jug of whole milk in my paper bag that I'm sippin' on. Usually milk for day 1 and 2, if anything at all. After that, an appetite is developed somewhat, it's hard to say. The poison is in the dose, as long as I'm not clenching my teeth I can eat just about anything by then. Sometimes it is time for work and you realize you been up since work on friday. Be prepared. Milk and pedialyte will save yo ass! Sometimes a redbull and package of skittles is the breakfast of champs.

On weed, shit, everything is highly edible on weed, that's usually when the sweet tooth kicks in or you get a craving (salty, spicy, peanutbutter etc.)... I could write a book, but if I gotta pick, terriyaki chicken stirfry over fluffy white rice, or rice n beans with the must have "special sauce" ;] ... ... A couple california rolls are always good though. Breakfast food very late night/early morning, usually drinking, maybe after a good trip, who knows... I love fried potatoes, pancakes, bacon, an omlette, the whole shabang. Cold fruit salad with honey or a berry smoothie and lastly OJ for digestion and it's time for a good nap - I very rarely drink alcohol though. Drinking sucks... but there's a time and place. I typically have to choose my phase of abuse, alcohol or opiates, for me usually the latter. That's a whole other can of worms though.

I preach mostly vegetarian but I rarely practice it. Straight up fruit and veggies all the way, or otherwise anything unprocessed, in other words, get as close to the natural form as when it was harvested. Eggs, fish, beans, nuts/legumes etc. Avoid the farm fish. Did I say whole milk? Cottage cheese and yogurt. Try to avoid red meat and pork whenever possible. I can never say no to a good cheeseburger though... Chicken and turkey aren't too bad for you but try to eat sparingly in conservative helpings. I've been living off toast for the last month or so but try not to eat any grains, it's all processed or BS really, empty calories with harmful additives. Oatmeal is probably the only exception. Cut out the butter, the sugar and cream, add olive oil, honey, vinegar and all the garlic, pepper and herbs you want and you're golden ponyboy. This wasn't meant to be a health-nut thread or post obviously, but those are my words of wisdom. Try to take care of yourself. You don't always want or have to, but sometimes you need to and must go the distance. It's good to know how. It's not the methamphetamine destroying you so fast, it's the lack of sleep and care. Fester looks kinda old for his age but he did OK considering. Brush teeth whenever possible - better yet keep a set with you in the car or whatever. I could keep going but I'll save it for another post.

One of my favorite sayings, "Hunger is the best spice".
SoldadoDeDrogasso true. ur response is super comprehensive!!! i would make a better response but im baked as im typing this ^^;

and ur right, i really want something sweet rn T_T
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Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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personally i love sushi when i have the munchies. also just tried sakura mochi while high and it was immaculate, its what inspired me to make this thread lol
fidelis😂😂🤣sushi ,a good joint and the Doors playing on the radio,
Oh my god,.. yes,i feel ya
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