
  1. R

    Red phosphorus use more time?

    Hello all. First time sorry for my English . My question is - is it possible to use red P from meth reaction (hi/p) more time? If yes,how to clean it ? Only by H2O or acetone ?
  2. R

    Pseudoephedrine Extraction

    Hi guys, i have some pills ingredients : Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 60mg, Triprolidine hydrochloride hydrate 2.5mg I want to extract only pseudoephedrine, does anyone know how?
  3. Dragovich

    Need a Chemist to Explain a Synthesis Shared Here

    First of all, greetings to all forum members. I will tell you a little about myself and the problems I had while learning and applying some syntheses in the forum. I think the professional underground chemists here will solve my problems :) I have been examining all the syntheses shared on this...
  4. G.Patton

    The simplest Methamphetamine synthesis from Amphetamine

    Introduction There are many procedures out there for the production of N-methyl-amphetamines (methamphetamines) from various starting materials, such as phenyl-2-propanone (P2P), phenylacetaldehyde or ephedrine, but what if you already have an amphetamine and wanted to add a methyl group to...
  5. P


    I am searching for the best way to extract cut from Meth. First time on this great forum so please excuse any verbiage that is not correct. It is not feasible for me to produce my own product at this time so I am forced to get what I can. I have the means to purchase but product is not grade A...
  6. G.Patton

    Methamphetamine from phenylacetaldehyde

    Introduction Grignard reagents (CH3I and Mg) add to aldimine (Schiff bases) to give amine, in which the hydrocarbon residue of the Grignard is attached to the carbon atom. In the case of methamphetamine, it means that that methyl Grignard reagent adds to the Schiff base between...
  7. G.Patton

    dl-Ephedrine synthesis from 1-Phenyl-1,2-propandion

    Introduction Here is described synthesis method of dl-Ephedrine from 1-Phenyl-1,2-propandion by means of catalytic reduction with hydrogen gas and Adams' catalyst. 1-Phenyl-1,2-propandion Can be purchased in international chemical market, other reagents are not so hard to buy. This is a one-pot...
  8. U

    easiest small scale cook set up at home

    Looking for a synthesis technique using most readily available products. Just enjoy playing in the kitchen and am looking to produce small amounts. I have successfully synthesized DMT and several THC concentrates, so I am not totally a beginner, but not far off either. Anyone able to point me...
  9. primitiveintelectual


    pseudo extracted way Straight to E because the A / B method didn't work for me. 120mg pseudoephedrine sulfate + 5mg loratadine per one pill 10g pseudoephedrine sulphate 15g iodine crytsaline granulate 5g RP 5ml h2o reflux...
  10. S

    Easiest way to produce meth without using pseudoephedrine?

    What would be the easiest way to make high quality meth without using pseudoephedrine?
  11. G.Patton

    Methamphetamine crystallization and Ice manufacturing

    Introduction. What is the Drug Ice? “Ice” is the street name for pure methamphetamine (meth). Meth is a powerful stimulant that increases dopamine and makes a person feel a rush of euphoria and high-energy levels. Since a lot of street methamphetamine is adulterated with harmful chemicals, ice...
  12. WillD

    Methamphetamine synthesis from P2P via Aluminum amalgam

    Reaction scheme: Equipment and glassware: 5 L Round bottom flask; Retort stand and clamp for securing apparatus (optional); Reflux condenser; Funnel; Sieve filter (kitchen grade is ok); Syringe or Pasteur pipette; pH indicator papers; Beakers (500 mL x2, 250 mL x2, 100 mL x2); Vacuum source...
  13. WillD

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) Leuckart amination to amphetamine and methamphetamine. Smale scale.

    Amphetamine Reagents: 1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) 0.827 g, 6.2 mmol; Formamide 3.5 ml; Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) 5 ml 30%; Benzene 50 ml; Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4); Methanol 5 ml (MeOH); Hydrochloric acid (15 % aq HCl) 5 ml; Distilled water 25 ml; Dichloromethane (DCM) 90 ml; Sodium hydroxide...