Purificatoin of the obtained THC oil

Anybody would like to get good quality weed, instead we often get chemicals that we dont want.
The most efficent way is to apply THC on cbd buds that are grew in the legal sektor so its easier to check what product we are using so we can design the bud.

One of key aspects with weed its taste, its look, its odour. Applying the THC liquid previously prepared on the aciidific enivorement not always provides expected results. For the problem with the changing the colour of the buds after aplication i deducted the methodology. It can be starting point for you.

My buds remained the same color, however the color of the oil remained the same.

Using h2o for 6x of oil volume, repeated 6 times each for the 1h then separated layer and repeated at 90c, resulted obtained oil to leave its colors in the solution of the IPA and small amount of the ethanol.

The oil itself didnt cahnge the colour so I believe we may have more control on this what we wanna apply to the buds- for sure we dont want impurities that make our product worse.


Don't buy from me
Nov 17, 2024
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I know that you can remove color of cannabis extracts via bentonite, or activated carbon, or acid activated bentonite. Silica is more for separating THCA from the terp fraction, and also removes color.
Oh yeah, activates alumina.
Different media adsorbs different colors of the spectrum


Manufacturer Seller
Nov 28, 2023
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its interesting as well but I am more considered about this water.,. becasue its really strange. Usually when tou get like something brown right, i ont even speak about reagents etc just some paint and dissolve it 1;10 it will be light brown, when you apply that it will get dry and leave, here its like only green colors are left from small parts of the buds, buds keep their color and thc is applied. i am twice more surpised becasue it was accident :) but maybe it does have potential
Only not common things was that i used mixture of ipa and ethanol becasue i just had it in y hand..,. some thing happened earleir and i was forfced to mix ipa with ethanol,. Eralier it was ethanol used for the applying of the cbd
so maybe ipa has some part too, but nto sure. its not a lot of alternatives that changerd from my previopus methodology tries. it can be only the time how long it was soaked, about 12h, then sinply put on the paper and evaporated at 20 c itself, misture of the ethanol and ipa or the some water reaction that actually did something, its really not a lot and i believe its solve of a lot of problems.