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using 85% phosphoric acid instead of H20 in a 1:1 ratio to ephedrine creates a more effective reaction, mix ephedrine with phosphorus and then dissolve it in heated phosphoric acid, temperature approx. 100 °C and add iodine in increments so that the last iodine is added around 130 °C and the reaction ends at 140-150 °C. open the condenser flask and blow off the remaining iodine. iodine in a 1:1 ratio to ephedrine. 45-60 minutes and it is ready for extraction
with hydroiodic and red phosphorus i was able to extract in just 2 hours and it raises as fuck it's just something else and wizzy i don't know how to explain it
using 85% phosphoric acid instead of H20 in a 1:1 ratio to ephedrine creates a more effective reaction, mix ephedrine with phosphorus and then dissolve it in heated phosphoric acid, temperature approx. 100 °C and add iodine in increments so that the last iodine is added around 130 °C and the reaction ends at 140-150 °C. open the condenser flask and blow off the remaining iodine. iodine in a 1:1 ratio to ephedrine. 45-60 minutes and it is ready for extraction
This method carry great risk of explosion, once when i was young i tried to hydroiodic acid by mixing iodine and phosphoric acid (85%) and heating it and it exploded, so reaction is way safer with water, phosphorus acid is by product in the reaction and contribute nothik, by the way its intresting how they prepared phosphrous triiodide in situ to halogenate the OH group and reaction time decresed a lot, back in the days i was using 72h LWR to get the same output, Good video
How can I download it faster so I can watch it without lags. Or at least download it without it stopping automatic
with hydroiodic and red phosphorus i was able to extract in just 2 hours and it raises as fuck it's just something else and wizzy i don't know how to explain it
mate why use phosphorus if u use HI directly the poor phosphorus its precius care for the phosphorus like its ur kid or left nut :D
This method carry great risk of explosion, once when i was young i tried to hydroiodic acid by mixing iodine and phosphoric acid (85%) and heating it and it exploded, so reaction is way safer with water, phosphorus acid is by product in the reaction and contribute nothik, by the way its intresting how they prepared phosphrous triiodide in situ to halogenate the OH group and reaction time decresed a lot, back in the days i was using 72h LWR to get the same output, Good video
I have done this reaction 1000 times, while observing the proportions and reaction conditions, including the procedure of adding reagents and iodine in parts, nothing has ever happened to me
using 85% phosphoric acid instead of H20 in a 1:1 ratio to ephedrine creates a more effective reaction, mix ephedrine with phosphorus and then dissolve it in heated phosphoric acid, temperature approx. 100 °C and add iodine in increments so that the last iodine is added around 130 °C and the reaction ends at 140-150 °C. open the condenser flask and blow off the remaining iodine. iodine in a 1:1 ratio to ephedrine. 45-60 minutes and it is ready for extraction
Isn't phosphine produced at around 130-140 degrees?
I have done this reaction 1000 times, while observing the proportions and reaction conditions, including the procedure of adding reagents and iodine in parts, nothing has ever happened to me
jak říkáš... naše česká cesta se úplně obejde bez posraný vody :D.. m
This remains my best method but I don't do all this process like reduction for 24hours and it's very safe no risk, my only problem is getting ephedrine Hcl,
Yeah, when they took our premade HI, and we figured out making it with the P Phed in the flask, it cut a long cook down to 24 hours. They say if flashed right, its done in 3 hours. I always ran it 24
This method carry great risk of explosion, once when i was young i tried to hydroiodic acid by mixing iodine and phosphoric acid (85%) and heating it and it exploded, so reaction is way safer with water, phosphorus acid is by product in the reaction and contribute nothik, by the way its intresting how they prepared phosphrous triiodide in situ to halogenate the OH group and reaction time decresed a lot, back in the days i was using 72h LWR to get the same output, Good vide
But jesusjames do u know much about synthesis ephedrine or have u tried extracting ephedrine from pills does it actually give sharp big crystals like ephedrine Hcl, please lets share ideas and knowledge a little and permit me to call u teacher I joined this business 3years ago
My knowledge is no good anymore. It was 25 years ago when ephedrine was easy to get. At one time, I was able to walk into Costco and load up a shopping cart full of pills that extracted easily. My teacher would order cases af them and send me in to pick them up. He had a business licence for health food or something. I don't know cutting edge current info. Methods evolve with current issues. I'm using bmk glycidate and pmk glycidate. But I have been retired for the last 15 years. 10 of that was in prison. This is ot a game. Be careful.
But jesusjames do u know much about synthesis ephedrine or have u tried extracting ephedrine from pills does it actually give sharp big crystals like ephedrine Hcl, please lets share ideas and knowledge a little and permit me to call u teacher I joined this business 3years ago
i have the iodine reagent grade and red phosphorous, i just cant get these pills clean enough for a reaction. can somebody help me i got the pills alcohol washed then water washed then froze the water then filtered that. it looks like nothing but. pinwheels on a mirror. do yall think its good enough to react yet? they're the red pills the 30mg.
idk bro but i mean if you saw maybe tramp's( rip bob) posts about cleaning red hot with water and alcohol you sure remember that he did that with a super old box of pills from like the 1995.
im in europe and i only use the white 60 with cetirizine or the 120 with povidone. eu pills are not super gakked but water it activate the polymers in the pills i think eudraget was called,it gellify, there is someone that can confirm or debunk this?
i have the iodine reagent grade and red phosphorous, i just cant get these pills clean enough for a reaction. can somebody help me i got the pills alcohol washed then water washed then froze the water then filtered that. it looks like nothing but. pinwheels on a mirror. do yall think its good enough to react yet? they're the red pills the 30mg
i have the iodine reagent grade and red phosphorous, i just cant get these pills clean enough for a reaction. can somebody help me i got the pills alcohol washed then water washed then froze the water then filtered that. it looks like nothing but. pinwheels on a mirror. do yall think its good enough to react yet? they're the red pills the 30mg.

idk bro but i mean if you saw maybe tramp's( rip bob) posts about cleaning red hot with water and alcohol you sure remember that he did that with a super old box of pills from like the 1995.
im in europe and i only use the white 60 with cetirizine or the 120 with povidone. eu pills are not super gakked but water it activate the polymers in the pills i think eudraget was called,it gellify, there is someone that can confirm or debunk this?
Breaking Bad
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  • HR
    Here's the best way to know if your ready to RXN(kickitoff)
    Hey my brother love the conversation and the knowledge that's being shared. Here's some more.. If your wondering if your eph or pfed is ready for synth best old school way to know is simply put some on some thick foil and smoke it. If it burns smokes up and leaves behind a light brownish/black residue on foil then it's ready to be reduced. If it has any white dots or or crust in the residue then de-gakk that shit my friend. Never use water ever I don't remember who said it but the sec you do you will activate the polymers/gel and it's fucked. It's not hard to de- gakk pills y'all don't let them party poopers fool you. If gentle and done right it still can be done in one step as well with red hot 30's white 60's ect. Don't use water downed heet/ methanol. Either use 91% or 99% isopro alc or lab grade methanol or ethanol powder them bitches get about 20 coffee filters fill them up with crushed pill mass twist all of them closed. It should look like a big version of those white paper twisted pop rocks things that you would throw at the ground ass a kid. Fill you up a large clay or porcelain coffee cup with either alcs and drop that white twist cherry bomb in there and put in freezer for at least 12hrs. DONT FUCK WITH IT AT ALL. WHEN YOU GO TO RECIEVE IT DONT SQUEEZE THE FILTERS/SWIRL THEM/ NOTHING FORCEFUL. JUST PULL STRAIGHT OUT AND LET DRIP IN CUP TIL DONE. Then EVAP/flash with acetone to nothing but cln pinwheels or thick clear layer of crunchy when scrapes rxstals. Got to bounce playa. By the way Etsy is the shit ain't it. Nuff said
    6 minutes
Here's the best way to know if your ready to RXN(kickitoff)

  • DM

    Hey my brother love the conversation and the knowledge that's being shared. Here's some more.. If your wondering if your eph or pfed is ready for synth best old school way to know is simply put some on some thick foil and smoke it. If it burns smokes up and leaves behind a light brownish/black residue on foil then it's ready to be reduced. If it has any white dots or or crust in the residue then de-gakk that shit my friend. Never use water ever I don't remember who said it but the sec you do you will activate the polymers/gel and it's fucked. It's not hard to de- gakk pills y'all don't let them party poopers fool you. If gentle and done right it still can be done in one step as well with red hot 30's white 60's ect. Don't use water downed heet/ methanol. Either use 91% or 99% isopro alc or lab grade methanol or ethanol powder them bitches get about 20 coffee filters fill them up with crushed pill mass twist all of them closed. It should look like a big version of those white paper twisted pop rocks things that you would throw at the ground ass a kid. Fill you up a large clay or porcelain coffee cup with either alcs and drop that white twist cherry bomb in there and put in freezer for at least 12hrs. DONT FUCK WITH IT AT ALL. WHEN YOU GO TO RECIEVE IT DONT SQUEEZE THE FILTERS/SWIRL THEM/ NOTHING FORCEFUL. JUST PULL STRAIGHT OUT AND LET DRIP IN CUP TIL DONE. Then EVAP/flash with acetone to nothing but cln pinwheels or thick clear layer of crunchy when scrapes rxstals. Got to bounce playa. By the way Etsy is the shit ain't it. Nuff said
Breaking Bad
Don't buy from me


  • HR
    Here's the best way to know if your ready to RXN(kickitoff)
    Hey my brother love the conversation and the knowledge that's being shared. Here's some more.. If your wondering if your eph or pfed is ready for synth best old school way to know is simply put some on some thick foil and smoke it. If it burns smokes up and leaves behind a light brownish/black residue on foil then it's ready to be reduced. If it has any white dots or or crust in the residue then de-gakk that shit my friend. Never use water ever I don't remember who said it but the sec you do you will activate the polymers/gel and it's fucked. It's not hard to de- gakk pills y'all don't let them party poopers fool you. If gentle and done right it still can be done in one step as well with red hot 30's white 60's ect. Don't use water downed heet/ methanol. Either use 91% or 99% isopro alc or lab grade methanol or ethanol powder them bitches get about 20 coffee filters fill them up with crushed pill mass twist all of them closed. It should look like a big version of those white paper twisted pop rocks things that you would throw at the ground ass a kid. Fill you up a large clay or porcelain coffee cup with either alcs and drop that white twist cherry bomb in there and put in freezer for at least 12hrs. DONT FUCK WITH IT AT ALL. WHEN YOU GO TO RECIEVE IT DONT SQUEEZE THE FILTERS/SWIRL THEM/ NOTHING FORCEFUL. JUST PULL STRAIGHT OUT AND LET DRIP IN CUP TIL DONE. Then EVAP/flash with acetone to nothing but cln pinwheels or thick clear layer of crunchy when scrapes rxstals. Got to bounce playa. By the way Etsy is the shit ain't it. Nuff said
    6 minutes
Here's the best way to know if your ready to RXN(kickitoff)

  • DM

    Hey my brother love the conversation and the knowledge that's being shared. Here's some more.. If your wondering if your eph or pfed is ready for synth best old school way to know is simply put some on some thick foil and smoke it. If it burns smokes up and leaves behind a light brownish/black residue on foil then it's ready to be reduced. If it has any white dots or or crust in the residue then de-gakk that shit my friend. Never use water ever I don't remember who said it but the sec you do you will activate the polymers/gel and it's fucked. It's not hard to de- gakk pills y'all don't let them party poopers fool you. If gentle and done right it still can be done in one step as well with red hot 30's white 60's ect. Don't use water downed heet/ methanol. Either use 91% or 99% isopro alc or lab grade methanol or ethanol powder them bitches get about 20 coffee filters fill them up with crushed pill mass twist all of them closed. It should look like a big version of those white paper twisted pop rocks things that you would throw at the ground ass a kid. Fill you up a large clay or porcelain coffee cup with either alcs and drop that white twist cherry bomb in there and put in freezer for at least 12hrs. DONT FUCK WITH IT AT ALL. WHEN YOU GO TO RECIEVE IT DONT SQUEEZE THE FILTERS/SWIRL THEM/ NOTHING FORCEFUL. JUST PULL STRAIGHT OUT AND LET DRIP IN CUP TIL DONE. Then EVAP/flash with acetone to nothing but cln pinwheels or thick clear layer of crunchy when scrapes rxstals. Got to bounce playa. By the way Etsy is the shit ain't it. Nuff said
Hello, nice video but i have a question. Is this viable with pseudoephedrine instead? (or rather with a mixture of paracetamol and pseudoephedrine from a medicine?)
Please am new here, is this ephedrine racemic or l-ephedrine for crystal meth production, please help a brother
Besides the red phosphorus in the matchbox, is there any other way to get

For obtaining red phosphorus, consider commercial suppliers, recycling phosphorus-containing materials, or extracting from phosphate minerals like apatite, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Thank you for the good video, If you make it with ephedrine, doesn't L-racemic meth form? I understand that it must be made with pseudoephedrine to become D-racemic meth. Why was the video made with ephedrine? If you are capable, please let me know. Thank you in advance.

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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