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Méthodes d'agitation et de cuisson étape par étape

Shake and Bake Meth step-by-step

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    Votes: 24 60.0%
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    Votes: 7 17.5%
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    Votes: 9 22.5%

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Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
Reaction score
If you look up shake and bake in the search box. You should eventually come across the names Douda and 41DxFlatLine - they each posted a SnB tek that after reading a few times, going over everything else again, and going back to theirs and re reading trying it and repeating the whole process. I say it over and over, I was a total new bee with no chem experience and I found BB and within two months I did this on my second attempt. I'm not so special, but just to drive it home - If I can pull it off, anybody can.

I posted my experiment "SnB success story" or something... and I've commented on a dozen others since. I haven't seen anyone else pull it off, just some pretenders. I have tried it a dozen more times since and have failed half the time, so it goes to show that I was more lucky than anything with my first success. I have been able to figure out the hows and whys and why this particular reaction is so tempermental. I just haven't had the pseudo to be able to demonstrate it and write a 'knock-out' "once and for all" tek for everyone.

You can always try it like the guy on Hamiltons "how not to cook meth"
That is going to be the way to do it when they stop all the ammonium salts.
Send me a message and I can try to coach you if you'd like.
Good luck


Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 16, 2025
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excellent I will look those up and adjust my reagent list if needed, still on the hunt for AN, I really dont want to order it online, I just don't want to bring any attention my way. I think I may have 2 options, there is one garden center I will hit up tomorrow, see if they have AN, if not Ill see if I can find
  • Diammonium phosphate, (NH4)2HPO4
  • Calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2

I found a tek you just literally mix them in water, allow to react, filter out calcium phosphate, evap, ammonia nitrate, the you can alcohol crystalize it, not a bad preliminary tek to start getting used to creating reagents and precursors I cant find for cash locally.

I will shoot you a message when I get close to go time and see if you are around and ill update you with my progress, if I need to make my AN maybe ill make a post on this process and show my results
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Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 16, 2025
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Fuck yeah I found some! on my way to grab it, just need to scoop my soda stream bottles and lithium batteries and I think im all set, finally.


Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 16, 2025
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best I could find was 20.5-0-0 I was rushing around before the store closed I didnt have much time, but the msds says ammonium sulfate sulfate >97% and and 1% ammonium hydrosulfate...is that going to fuck me?

edit: nvm I dont think that is sds correct, I think its just another name for the same shit. 20-0-0 20.5-0-0 and 21-0-0 all seem to be the same thing at least with the brand I got. yeah the 20/20.5/21 are the ammonical nitrogen amounts derived from ammonium sulfate. fuck yeah boys 25$ for fucking 40lbs lmfao I can shake and bake every week until 2030
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Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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It has been explained and covered many time by many individuals, you just have to go and find it. I will take some time to try to help your understanding, for the benefit of everyone trying to understand.

So, we can use any ammonium salt because when the lye breaks it down, the ammonia gas is liberated. The pressure condenses it back into liquid so that it will go to work reducing the lithium.
The EP/PSE HCl extracted from your pills (you may not even need to extract some pills) will turn into freebase in site because of the ammonia and lye used in the reaction. The EP/PSE MUST be in freebase form in order to undergo reduction from the solvated lithium. Ammonia specifically, because it will reduce and create a vehicle for the liberated electron to find the EP/PSE for reduction. This is where the agitation "shaking" part comes into play.
The ammonia strips the lone electron from the lithium, turning it a bronze/copper color in the process as it dissolves, this electron is attracted to the pseudo (through whatever molecular bonding mechanism - go open an encyclopedia on van der waals forcce or whatever maybe.) This all takes place in our non polar hydrocarbon - such as ether, naptha, etc.
There are by products and side reactions that happen - the important thing is that the only AMINE in the reaction is the EP/PSE being reduced into meth. It doesn't turn blue unless it is saturated with lithium, I guess.
There are things to avoid, things not to do. Water is a big NO-NO. Except for the initial 5ml to start the reaction, there should be absolutely no water involved.
Ether can be used, I believe it can be done without pressure as you mentioned, It doesn't give you any sign that it is finished or anything I don't think and then the worry becomes if the product has become 'over reduced' but I am just speculating, I have not experimented with any no pressure techniques.
This is why SnB will always have a special place in my heart. It is probably the most open reaction as far as what you can use and substitute, but also it follows some very strict guidelines and is very unforgiving. I'm actually somewhat fond of my SnB dope, it has a very potent 'initial rush' quality to it that I haven't really noticed from other meth I have tried.

This is just a short overview, but I hope it helps to explain some of the mechanics.
You shouldn't have much trouble finding an ammonium salt to use for this. Check ALL the pharmacies or shops in your area, if one store doesn't have it, doesn't mean none of them will. You just have to keep checking.

When you try to use the ammonium sulfate fertilizer, you can do a "dry-run" to test out if the lithium is going to bronze properly before you waste the EP/PSE in the reaction, if it does not work out right. I have not used it myself, but this will be my next option when my cold packs run out.

Good luck