Webstorage/Filesharing Suggestion


Don't buy from me
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Aug 1, 2022
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I use Sia for storage/sharing. It's fully decentralized, End-To-End encrypted file storage on the Sia blockchain. You can upload 1 GB files for free on Sia's skynet portals and get a download link you can share with anyone. So if you break your data up into 1 GB files, you can upload them all for free without an account.

The Sia project website:

I use the app Vup as my GUI client. You can think of it like the MEGA app. You can get it for desktop/mobile/etc. Sia, skynet, vup, everything is open source.

It can take a while to understand how the whole web5 thing works but it's crazy sick once you get it.

100% decentralized storage, end to end encrypted where only you have the key.

With skynet, you create links you can share which are essentially like pointers to files on the blockchain. In this way, you can share skynet links with people and they can either download files/directories directly or "import" them into their Vup client.
Obviously the data doesn't get replicated, you just get another reference pointer. :)

There's still DMCA, unfortunately, BUT... and here's the crazy thing, DMCA can only make Sia make the skynet link unusable to download files off of their webportals.
They can't take the files off of the blockchain without like, seizing a computer or finding out exactly where on disk the encrypted data pieces are on distributed machines around the world.
You need to read about it because I'm not 100% on how data removal actually would work. My above statement may be wrong, technically.

But the crazy thing is this... DMCA would make the skynet/mega links not work because skynet/mega act as the intermediary, converting the publicly shareable download link to the exact place on the blockchain where the data is stored. Now, this is only needed if you decide to use skynet for the links and other functionality. It's like a convenience thing. You don't have to use that. If you manually upload stuff to the blockchain then there are no links. You have to have the Sia client installed, sync (download) the whole blockchain, etc. then you can download the files whether the portals like it or not (you can also create skynet links from the blockchain client, but you can read about that yourself). DMCA only adds the pointer address to a blacklist.txt file that's shared to DMCA compliant web portals. You could spin up your own skynet portal(s) which don't respect DMCA. Imagine that. It's fully open source so it would be as easy as forking MEGA, creating your own portal on a server of your choice, and just don't blacklist stuff. Then those same skynet links which Sia (the programmers/project) blacklist, are usable by anyone who uses the download links on the pirate portal.

Like, I use the pro.skynet.net portal for my paid account and don't share links to my files with people. I don't want my backup risked. But you, me, or anyone can just git fork the software and run a portal.

You can also decide WHERE in the world you want to geo-restrict your data storage and choose how many full data backups you want. So if you want to be like, yeah I'll have my data duplicated in Iran, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, and Cuba - you can. Their DMCA find the bit on disk bs can kiss it (but research this cause I still don't actually know if they need access to the disk to remove data from the blockchain if they have a skynet link or not).

You can customize the portals however you want. You can allow/disallow anonymous uploads, create a private community like a private tracker, etc. whatever you want.

Have fun!