The idea of Privacy focused Mobile Communications


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Aug 1, 2022
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I want to talk to you all about all these discussion you see all around people talking about what app is the most secure to use and if they have been breached and so forth.
Using a regular app that claims privacy, like whatsapp for example, they say that the communications are end to end encrypted.
This might be the case. But the problem with these apps is that they aren't decentralized,
the communication data goes thru someones server before it hits the receiver.
So, knowing this, you need to ask yourself once again, do I trust this 3rd part with my data,
or might there be a slight chance that they will sell out someday or worse,
already do?
What I believe in, what is the best option now are the decentralized communication apps.
And the one I'm going to recommend is named Briar. And I will explain why.

Typical messaging software relies on central servers and exposes messages and relationships to surveillance.


Unlike traditional messaging apps, Briar doesn’t rely on a central server - messages are synchronized directly between the users’ devices.
If the internet down, Briar can sync via Bluetooth or WI-Fi, keeping the information flowing in a crisis.
When the internet is up, Briar can sync via the Tor network, protecting users and their relationships from surveillance.
Thats right, you can still communicate without the internet with it! Briar builds a network, an own private inter-network in that scenario.

Briar uses encrypted connections between users to prevent surveillance and censorship.


It is also possible to create group-chats, private blogs and forums using briar in the app.
For the moment its only available to android devices tho. I have used it for a while now and im happy with it.

For a more detailed information and instructions you may visit their website at