Teeth and gums health

Dr. X

Don't buy from me
Mar 24, 2023
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Hello, Im a stimulant user maybe can say and addict as well. I use cocaine and amphetamine depends on what i need it for, either for night shifts or clubbing. I take my mental and physical health serous take 2 weeks breaks after using for 1 week straight and etc. And I'm interested in knowing more about teeth and gums health. Most drugs as we know make our mouths dry and that's one of the most important things to keep in mind, to drink more water and less sodas and so on. As I know from studying biology is that sativa is very important bcs it kill bacteria, cleans etc. I make sure to drink plenty of water and chew sugar free gums to keep my mouth "wet". But I still kinda scared bcs after using while Im high I feel with my tongue that some of my teeth are moving a little (thats only while I'm under the effects). I want to know if there are still other things that Im missing and i may know what. If you know can you tell me what kind vitamins should I take for heathier teeth and gums? Im thinking of buying fluoride capsules, is it great idea? And washing my teeth at least 2-3 times a day, depends if I had some free time left, is bad or good that much? And ik its best to consult with my dentist but Im keeping my use private since last time believing too much got me staying 24 hours in a small room and I was lucky to have a lot of ppl in court system even the boss of the court to not get the 5 years sentence. Thx in advance!


Don't buy from me
Oct 13, 2023
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Buy metronidazol from pharmacy store,take 3 pills per day ,make 7 hours between 3 pills,ex:take 1 pill after 7 hours take 2nd pill & after 7 hours take the 3rd pill,and take it after food cuz metronidazole will hurt your estomac without food,this medicate will kill the bactéries inside your mouth...
Take care of your health..
Stay safe..


Nov 23, 2021
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Buy metronidazol from pharmacy store,take 3 pills per day ,make 7 hours between 3 pills,ex:take 1 pill after 7 hours take 2nd pill & after 7 hours take the 3rd pill,and take it after food cuz metronidazole will hurt your estomac without food,this medicate will kill the bactéries inside your mouth...
Take care of your health..
Stay safe..
gus.fringYou rather described an approach to the treatment of an infectious intestinal disease (amoebiasis, giardiasis), for which metronidozole is mainly used. It is a powerful antibiotic with many side effects. This is not something that should be recommended to a person who is interested in maintaining dental health when using stimulants.


Don't buy from me
Oct 13, 2023
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You rather described an approach to the treatment of an infectious intestinal disease (amoebiasis, giardiasis), for which metronidozole is mainly used. It is a powerful antibiotic with many side effects. This is not something that should be recommended to a person who is interested in maintaining dental health when using stimulants.
ParacelsusI have been on metronidazole for a long time for more than 9 months at intervals, and have had no side effects, I have advised him on my own experience


Nov 23, 2021
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I have been on metronidazole for a long time for more than 9 months at intervals, and have had no side effects, I have advised him on my own experience
gus.fringI understand. This is a powerful drug, as I said above, and it certainly happens to be useful in certain scenarios. But in the case under discussion, it is far from the first place to pay attention to antibiotics of this type. Thank you for sharing your experience, it can definitely be useful for those who read the forum.


Nov 23, 2021
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Hello, Im a stimulant user maybe can say and addict as well. I use cocaine and amphetamine depends on what i need it for, either for night shifts or clubbing. I take my mental and physical health serous take 2 weeks breaks after using for 1 week straight and etc. And I'm interested in knowing more about teeth and gums health. Most drugs as we know make our mouths dry and that's one of the most important things to keep in mind, to drink more water and less sodas and so on. As I know from studying biology is that sativa is very important bcs it kill bacteria, cleans etc. I make sure to drink plenty of water and chew sugar free gums to keep my mouth "wet". But I still kinda scared bcs after using while Im high I feel with my tongue that some of my teeth are moving a little (thats only while I'm under the effects). I want to know if there are still other things that Im missing and i may know what. If you know can you tell me what kind vitamins should I take for heathier teeth and gums? Im thinking of buying fluoride capsules, is it great idea? And washing my teeth at least 2-3 times a day, depends if I had some free time left, is bad or good that much? And ik its best to consult with my dentist but Im keeping my use private since last time believing too much got me staying 24 hours in a small room and I was lucky to have a lot of ppl in court system even the boss of the court to not get the 5 years sentence. Thx in advance!
Dr. XIt's great that you take breaks and take care of your health. This approach really works. Regarding teeth, the vector of your thought is also correct. Hydration, cleanliness and prevention could keep you healthy for longer. There are several factors to consider. If it seems to you that the teeth move only during the intake of substances, perhaps this is an enhanced and altered perception of the situation. Physiological sensations other than a sober state are characteristic of stimulants. Secondly, teeth somehow become unhealthy with age, this applies to many people and depends on many factors, ranging from heredity to the environment. We add here the use of stimulants, therefore, prevention should be treated as if you are at risk, even if your dental history is otherwise impeccable (everything is great with teeth with your family, there were no problems in the childhood, etc.). And finally, check this article just on the topic, it tells more practical tips: https://mindheal.com/basics/dental-health-for-people-who-use-drugs/


Don't buy from me
Sep 20, 2022
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So I just deleted what I wrote because the company i mentioned no longer sell the product i was referencing, however their toothpaste is VERY good, along with some other products: "hismile" - they actually do make good toothpaste. don't buy replica stuff... Get it from hismile.

THE MAIN THING HOWEVER: is this "Nano-hydroxyapatite (nano-HAp) is a synthetic form of hydroxyapatite, a biomimetic material that resembles the mineral component of bones and teeth. Nano-HAp can promote the mineralization of teeth and reduce hypersensitivity by filling the dentinal tubules"

You can buy that nano-HAp stuff in the form of toothpaste, my recommended use for it is brush with regular or the hismile toothpaste teeth and gums then don't rinse, then brush again with nano-HAp toothpaste and DON'T RINSE, you aren't supposed to rinse anyway but the nano-HAp has to "soak" into your teeth.

Morning and night.

- Power
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