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Cocaine MDMA Marijuana Methamphetamine Questionnaire for Americans

Have you or someone who isn't you but you know bought drugs from a dark market vendor in the past?

  • NO

  • Yes, it was from an individual who contacted me via the internet

  • Yes, it was from an individual who I contacted via the internet

  • Yes, it was from a dark marketplace that had several vendors of drugs ( ie Silk Road, Alpha bay, ect

  • Yes, it was from a website offering research chemicals or scheduled drugs

  • Yes it was from a P2P selling site like Craigslist, Etsy, Ebay, ect.

  • I have tried but my money was stolen / no one ever responded.

Results are only viewable after voting.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
I am trying to produce a market analysis for the black market sale of drugs in the United States. I can get some information from government groups and websites like estimates of the value of dark market transactions in the United States and markets that have been seized and or prosecuted, but that only tells me some very basic information and a market analysis requires some very specific information.
Through the course of this poll no one will be scrutinized based on their answers or information they choose to share. I'm not logging responses or categorizing them to any greater extent than what you can see here. I am looking for ways to improve the functionality of this site for Americans and any progress made toward that goal will benefit everyone on this site. If you have a story to tell or experience to share, by all means feel free. I'd like to know;
Were you satisfied your purchase?
Did you think that the price was low, fair,expensive?
What market site did you use?
What drugs did you get?
What are the hurdles, in your mind, to using the dark web for buying selling drugs?
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way?
This poll and any information or experience you choose to share, is of course anonymous and voluntary. I'll go first

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
have you bought drugs from a dark web Market in the past?
I have bought cocaine, ecstasy, alprazolam, methamphetamine, and oxycodone from this site. I've also bought crack from a person on Reddit a couple of times and harmaline hcl from Amazon

Do you think the price was low, fair, expensive?
Mostly low some I would call fair

what market site did you use?
See question 1
What drugs did you get?
See question 1
What are the hurdles, in your mind... ?
The fact that there aren't any standards on the packaging of mail. Someone else's mistake could cost me my freedom. Not knowing enough about crypto currency and how to use it anonymously and safety.
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way?
Dead drops for sure. A better education on the dark web.


Don't buy from me
Dec 30, 2023
Reaction score
I have bought everything from everywhere.
Pricing on DNMs is generally fair or low with fair to outrageous elsewhere.
What are the hurdles, in your mind... ?
Mostly the fact it is virtually impossible to tell if small sellers that don't have many arms are now suddenly police or not.
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way?
I too would like more dead drops despite there being no way any are within an hour of me.

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
Reaction score
I have bought everything from everywhere.
Pricing on DNMs is generally fair or low with fair to outrageous elsewhere.
What are the hurdles, in your mind... ?
Mostly the fact it is virtually impossible to tell if small sellers that don't have many arms are now suddenly police or not.
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way?
I too would like more dead drops despite there being no way any are within an hour of me.
VeniuviusVespaThat's definitely a serious concern but you should prepare for this. You need a place to send it that is not traceable to you. There's a couple of ways to make that happen. I'm not prepared to tell you how I do it just now, I need to carefully consider the language of it. Make it vague but interpretable.


Don't buy from me
Dec 13, 2023
Reaction score
have you bought drugs from a dark web Market in the...yes,research chems like diclauzapam,clonzolam,eitzolam..various steroids...used sponsors of the sites on brotherhoodofpain,and a few emails that sold raws..the research chem sites I used turn to scams like gulfchems

Do you think the price was low, fair, expensive...yes from most of the suppliers.

What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way...dead drops is probably the best way for me


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
Reaction score
Did you think that the price was low, fair,expensive?
The price was what I expected, but the quality, customer service and stealth were great. It was hard to learn how to do it all though.
What market site did you use?
My first market was Agora in 2014 I think
What drugs did you get?
Pressed adderall and sometimes benzos or opiates
What are the hurdles, in your mind, to using the dark web for buying selling drugs?
Learning crypto, like buying and sending. PGP as well as Tor in general. It is hard to remember all the struggles but I remember it being hard at first
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way?
I have been around a while. I am comfortable. I wish when I started I knew about the available guides out there


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
Reaction score
I learned about markets when I learned about bitcoin. At that time if you googled bitcoin the silkroad was one of the top search results. My first perchase was from Agora in the 20teens. I got a few percs. Besides some weed I got locally and a short stent of buying tramadol from India I have always used darnet markets.


Don't buy from me
May 26, 2024
Reaction score
My answers will be before I found the Breaking Bad site:

Were you satisfied your purchase? Sometimes absolutely! Other times I get completely ripped.
Did you think that the price was low, fair,expensive? Price were always on fair to expensive side. Never cheap
What market site did you use? Man, I don't even remember. it was after Silk Road was shutdown.
What drugs did you get? Coke, Speed paste, MDMA
What are the hurdles, in your mind, to using the dark web for buying selling drugs? love this question. TOR was a frustrating little bitch. VPNs are so slow. Instagaram is just so much "Easier", though I have never successfully bought drugs through Instatagram despit all the news report
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying or selling drugs in this way? So Escrow is HUGE!!! I mean that's the real difference here for me.

Last time I got ripped off, I said NEVER AGAIN. That's when I decide to make MDMA myself. What a journey. Respect to all the chemists out there, that I now can consider myself albeit the lowest rung

Now after finding the Breaking Bad site:

Were you satisfied your purchase? Again hit or miss. I'm currently rollin balls off some MDMA small batch produced in the good 'ol US. Now the person before that, I had to take enough to kill a horse to feel anything.
Did you think that the price was low, fair,expensive? extremely fair.
What market site did you use? only BB for now on
What drugs did you get? I love me some MDMA. That said, was sitting next to a guy today bitching about how he can't good cocaine. I said, well, give me your #, I might be able to help.
What are the hurdles, in your mind, to using the dark web for buying selling drugs? I think its about making it as fool-proof and step by step as possible. Get a VPN, get TOR, by bitcoin. This site is great for that but I don't think anyway has compiled everything into a true consolidate step by step check list, with links
What could make you feel more comfortable about buying o. r selling drugs in this way? It's all about the Escrow. That's the game changer. Plus anonymous testing of "Trusted Vendors" And the real-time responses to questions and concerns. The BB admin have always been extremely responsive and human.
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