muslim crime + islamophobia


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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posting an edited version of my response to a debate in the chat:

im not even muslim but my mom is from a muslim country (shes catholic tho) and i go there sometimes (the country in question is malaysia btw). theyre chill as shit. why would they be chill in one country and shooting people in another? it doesnt make sense. i think you guys are just generalizing. plus if theyre suddenly acting erratic that means theres pressure on them, like racial tensions. people like you guys are why this is happening tbh. im not even gonna deny the crime statistics but like... at least look at the cause. its sad that this is happening but its not ENTIRELY their fault. the world is a complex place and cause and effect is real.

"our white kids have never done shootouts before" im american, how come most of our school shooters are white? native american people could argue the exact same thing you are arguing. it doesnt make whites inherently evil, it means theres a lot of pressure on certain white individuals and theyre releasing it in violent ways. we need to rehabilitate them, not ostracize them. you guys are insane if you think calling muslims (or any other minority) "invaders" will fix anything. this "us vs them" mentality is the absolute worst way to go about things!

literally look at african american crime statistics. racists love to say "b-b-but theyre higher!! that means theyre EVIL!11!1!!" NO! it means theyre DISADVANTAGED! when people are in poor economic situations, they tend to lash out. regardless of race, crime statistics are higher in impoverished areas! notice how poorer areas are always the "bad ones"? fix the economy and you will fix the crime rate. just try helping these "invaders" and notice the difference! get rid of this stupid "enemy" mentality; it only exacerbates an already volatile situation. ever heard of the term "socioeconomic issue"?

no matter what group is perpetrating the crime, we should work together to solve it, because i can assure you the average muslim person doesnt support terrorist acts and the crime committed by their group. if anything, they must be ashamed and angry because people like you guys generalize them as being criminals and dumbasses. its a select few who do things like that. its all racial/religious groups vs the crime issue. truly disturbing how people think discriminating against a group will help their cause. with division comes chaos, always. with unity comes peace. its not a hard concept to grasp. work together to solve it and you will get results.

i understand this is a controversial issue and if someone thinks im wrong feel free to correct me.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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also, as drug users, dont most people see us as dirty criminals? we are minorities too in a way. shouldnt we have empathy for people in similar situations? shouldnt we work together? the cognitive dissonance some of you people have is fucking mind boggling. i will never understand people who dont fit the archetype of the "perfect citizen" who discriminate against others.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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i wish we could go back and edit posts after 10 minutes cause i be thinking of shit hours apart 😿😿 but one more post then ill stop yapping. i dont want to shit up my own thread. if a mod can copy paste my last posts into the original one ill love you forever (leave everything as is tho)

seriously i dont understand how drug users can be xenophobic. we get drugs and precursors from all over the world. your next high could have been made or handled by someone from a group you dont like. isnt that kind of hypocritical? i know some people who are like "oh, i only buy AMERICAN goods", but thats not really feasible in the drug world since its unregulated. people could lie about where its made/where the precursors are sourced. plus some chemicals are much easier to get in some countries than others. even if we were in a perfect world where no one lies, im sure it would be very hard to get something made ENTIRELY within one country, such as america. even if it was possible, the price would be insane.

think about how interconnected we are as drug users. this website is an amazing example. i could meet someone from the other side of the world and we could have the same interests and drugs of choice. the only thing separating us is geography. we are a globalized community. we are one body. its like a hand hating a foot. were all useful here so what makes one person better than another? think about our worldwide community before you try to hate on someone fr

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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There are radicals of all kinds. There are extremist Christians in the middle east. There are extremist Jews, there are even extremist Buddhists. All of the separatism we see in the world is manufactured, intentionally by the media. It's intended to keep everyone suspicious of each other and keep the focus off of government. Only when you turn off the News can you become free of the hatred that it spreads. I quit watching the news and I am 1000x less prejudice and hateful. The thing is they lie. A lot. When they are finally forced to admit that they lied. The damage has been done. A blockbuster headline has 1000x the impact of a 1 paragraph back page retraction .
9/11 is a shining example. It made millions of people hate Muslims and middle Easterners. Regardless of what variety of fiction you subscribe to, the events that were portrayed in the media are not the events that happened. If George W. Bush went on camera and said point blank that he used his resources in the CIA as former head of it, to orchestrate the whole thing to Garner support to subdue the middle eastern countries that resisted our demands, it wouldn't even matter now. It wouldn't get any airtime, there wouldn't be any riots. Literally nothing would happen.


Don't buy from me
Mar 1, 2024
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i dont watch the news either. its poison. even relatively "unbiased" sources have hidden agendas, intentional or not. as long as something is written by human hands, their true thoughts shine through. maybe this sounds schizo but i refuse to let my mind be programmed by other people.

some people think this makes me clueless about world events. thats absolutely not true. i know everything i need to know, which is everything major, because if something is truly important i wont need the news to hear about it. someone will tell me, and ill do my own research to make sure im not just absorbing their opinions. i dont need to know about politics because the system is rigged anyway. ive been on both sides of the political spectrum and after i finally stepped away, i realized every side is dumb as fuck. they have a narrative that they want to prove. the only way to objectively view the world is to see things and think about them as they come.

the news is just for people who want their confirmation bias fulfilled ong... and its made by people who want nothing more than to sow division and chaos. the news is made by wealthy warmongerers for idiots.


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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What Breaking Bad is about is happy chemistry and it's very advanced procedures that need to be followed for getting a fine end product. BBgate is not about applied magic by curses prayers. Religion is like Alchemy. It is a sorry historical burden to be opposed. Christianity is the least burden. What other religion spawn terroristic massmurders, rapists, antisocial degenerates? You heard about those christian or buddist gangs ravaging moslem countries? The problems with the immigrant=working thai:s, chinese, koreans, japs? You know the christian or buddist lands who treat women with less freedom and respect? Who punish and kill gays? You know those moslem european countries who let them unbelievers settle to be integrated and are now ravaged by lowkey greedy grouping immigrants. Islam was never a real part of the hippie movement. RELIGION IS FALSE. A country's value is easily measured rudimentary by its average IQ and its produce. The Father of Singapore should be listened to about immigration and integration awww he very regrets taking in one specific religious group that is now like a hardened tumour in spearheaded country. Moslems may be well behaved mostly and so on, but the figures dont lie: the more moslems..the more 'moslemic' country. Make a wish about your etnicety favorites in your dream society...


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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Every group seems to have radicals who take shit too far, they think they know the way and will do whatever is needed to push their cause. Radicals are the problem not their religion or ethnicity.


Don't buy from me
Dec 21, 2023
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Agreed, if the group itself do work for acceptable ideals and with good results. Religious groups dont really fit these demands at all and I am against them. As I dislike the dumb and cruel and junkie cultures.


See my products
Aug 14, 2023
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I was actually muslim for 8 years. I married sn Indonesian. I went to Hajj and Umroh. I learned to read Arabic and can read the Quran aloud. I am not practicing anymore since my divorce and i was not able to truly become a true believer and that was why I divorced. however, for 8+ years I gave it a genuine effort. the Muslims in Indonesia are mostly very forgiving. there are other religions and the gov. Protects all citizens. when I was in saudi, I could see that there was a big difference


See my products
Aug 14, 2023
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My logic is probably unbalanced....
Religion doesn't matter to me. I view it as a construct buy those in power to control. to her it was life or death. it would be impossible for her to marry me unless I were Muslim. therefore, to appease her requirements doest really cost anything but a portion of my time, doing their routines. also I have investigated a few religions to see if I could become infected because they do seem happier overall. there were a few flaws in my thinking, but she was the best business partner I ever had. we worked together well. I didn't forsee me not falling in love. I didn't forsee the religion to continue to expect more from me progressively. and I didn't realize how much it would hurt her when I came out with the fact that I was not getting closer to Allah but it was becoming unbearable to continue to practice.


See my products
Aug 14, 2023
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The whole adventure was worth it. I came out with a great start to another chapter aswe managed to get way ahead. I got to see some stuff only Muslims can. like Hajj in 2019. it was an experience. I almost died.
And. I was clean for 90 percent of our marriage. I met her fresh out of the joint after doing 7 years n 10. Islam was really good at instilling discipline. something I needed.
Overall I'd rate it a 9 out of 10.
I mean if we are not in this life to really live, why are we here?