moderation of the forum?


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May 8, 2023
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Recently i have seen a few people use racial slurs in their name, now ofc we have many people from around the world so i do not expect everyone to know the history or meaning of every offensive word in my country but, i think it puts a bad look on the forum and maybe we could have some rules against using certain words in your username. idk what do you think?

Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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I think 🤔🤔 it's unnecessary censorship and an infringement of personal rights. A person should be able to call themselves whatever they want. If you have a protected right to label your gender or sex in any manner, why can't I be a red-neck honky? You are suggesting a preemptive solution to a non-problem. That's my opinion.

Mr Gonzo

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Apr 13, 2023
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I think 🤔🤔 it's unnecessary censorship and an infringement of personal rights. A person should be able to call themselves whatever they want. If you have a protected right to label your gender or sex in any manner, why can't I be a red-neck honky? You are suggesting a preemptive solution to a non-problem. That's my opinion.
Frit BuchnerBro I'm white with a skin head, my GF is a part Jamacian/Syrian. My kids are our product. Fuck this b.s of free speach, aslong as your no neo nazi, who cares what people call themselves? I've been called whiteboy , honkey enough times by my darker skin brothers and trust even been call a white N word, as long as its not hate just free speach, fuck that crap. Him her, it they, black white? Are we just not humans at the basic end of it all?


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May 8, 2023
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i guess it all depends on what this forum tryna be, i mean its nothing new to see slurs being used on forums nor is it suprising, but here we have rules and even moderation so we’re really just one step away from a code of conduct.
that being said, i doubt anybody cares but i think that could change if the forum gets more outside attention.


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New Member
Sep 26, 2023
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I haven't seen anything of that nature myself, granted I haven't been here that long. but generally speaking, both online and offline I've found in life not taking yourself too seriously, and developing a self deprecating sense of humor is the best tool to get through life unscathed. Because we are creatures of habit, and succumbing to victimhood will not be a brief unwanted stop in our journey but a permanent destination.

Furthermore, I don't think censorship would be received well in a space such as this, not because people want to slur per se, but as a matter of principal, people would percieve it as an encroachment of basic human rights and speech, and perhaps may even try to push the boundaries even more, which would make the situation you are describing potentially worse.

I'm sure the admins/ moderators have enough to deal with attending to the high volume of order disputes, which is where their priorities should lie, in my opinion.


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Mar 27, 2022
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Furthermore, I don't think censorship would be received well in a space such as this, not because people want to slur per se, but as a matter of principal, people would percieve it as an encroachment of basic human rights and speech, and perhaps may even try to push the boundaries even more, which would make the situation you are describing potentially worse.
Racism is not an opinion but a crime against humanity!

I think 🤔🤔 it's unnecessary censorship and an infringement of personal rights. A person should be able to call themselves whatever they want.

Those who give themselves a name that discriminates against certain groups do so not because they want to live out their personal freedom, but because they want to exclude a group and offend it. This is the truth and nothing else.

I recommend you to go to school again, apparently it was too long ago for you two, or you are welcome to recall the facts again to think about the meaning of your words again.


Frit Buchner

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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Racism is not an opinion but a crime against humanity!

Those who give themselves a name that discriminates against certain groups do so not because they want to live out their personal freedom, but because they want to exclude a group and offend it. This is the truth and nothing else.

I recommend you to go to school again, apparently it was too long ago for you two, or you are welcome to recall the facts again to think about the meaning of your words again.

ACABI need you to understand that the people using these names are of the group. You are saying they wish to exclude themselves? Maybe, it doesn't seem to follow logic though. I call myself by names that people of my ethnicity find disparaging and the reason I do that is to raise awareness. To raise awareness that sticks and stones may break my bones, but will never hurt me.
It is important to remember the past, but I wasn't in it, and neither were you. Not
All crimes against humanity are racism, but all racism isn't crimes against humanity isn't racism..ido a lot of drugs but I'm pretty confident that your reaction is virtue signaling mostly. It doesn't feel genuine or appropriate for the situation. It doesn't offer any insight or meaningful commentary, so it's hard for me to understand it's value.


Don't buy from me
New Member
Feb 22, 2024
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I need you to understand that the people using these names are of the group. You are saying they wish to exclude themselves? Maybe, it doesn't seem to follow logic though. I call myself by names that people of my ethnicity find disparaging and the reason I do that is to raise awareness. To raise awareness that sticks and stones may break my bones, but will never hurt me.
It is important to remember the past, but I wasn't in it, and neither were you. Not
All crimes against humanity are racism, but all racism isn't crimes against humanity isn't racism..ido a lot of drugs but I'm pretty confident that your reaction is virtue signaling mostly. It doesn't feel genuine or appropriate for the situation. It doesn't offer any insight or meaningful commentary, so it's hard for me to understand it's value.
Frit BuchnerYour perspective on using certain names for awareness is valid, emphasizing resilience. Acknowledging the complexity of historical events and individual experiences is crucial. While the intent behind my response was to address potential sensitivity, I appreciate your feedback. Engaging in meaningful dialogue about racism involves diverse viewpoints, and I'm here to foster constructive conversations.

Mr Gonzo

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Apr 13, 2023
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Is this site about chemistry?


Don't buy from me
May 8, 2023
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Is this site about chemistry?
Mr Gonzoyes, but as much as it is about chemistry it is also about legitimizing the drug trade as one which is respected and trusted to hold up the same quality standard as that which pharma companies are held to, are forum cannot be taken seriously if we cannot respect all religions, genders and ethnicities to the best degree possible, we must provide an inclusive space where all feel welcome, racial slurs not only are disrespectful but also disregard the very real weight they carry. if we continue to allow discrimination on this forum, we undermine the mission of this forum and actively hurt its reputation among the general public. think about how this will look in a news article, do we want to look like racist selfish drug dealers or some hippies with a mission to responsibly provide drugs?


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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I'm fairly new here so correct me if I am wrong, but this largely seems like a non issue. When users start making alliances and threats or trying to recruit for their 'klan' or organize in that manner, then someone ought to intervene and have em' take it somewhere else. If someone wants to call themself something someone might find offensive in a malicious way, they're only projecting their own ignorance. Whos being discriminated against? We're all as anonymous as we choose to be. Everyone is afforded the same opportunity here. If you don't like it you don't have to engage with them. If it doesn't apply, let it slide. If it really bothers you that much, maybe you need some thicker skin.

How is this going to look in a news article? This site is largely focused on activity most people aren't going to understand or like, whether or not we're politically correct. I believe this mentality is the product of decades of cultural subversion from the media, schools, entertainment, political arena, etc. The need to stand up for people that cant "defend" themselves. If that isn't the "priveledge" that they talk about I don't know what is. The idea that one has got it so well, that they have the time and energy to fight for everyone that doesn't have the "opportunity" - the minorities. "You need to go back to school" is the type of response I expect to hear. For what? Critical race theory, or LGBT sensitivity training? Or to be subject to the hypocracy and double standards all over again? Speaking for myself, I guess I'm too stupid to perceive the need to have to be liked or accepted by everybody. I shed that weight a long time ago.

I don't run into too many stupid nationalists. "Neo-nazis" and that type of company on the other hand are of another breed. Contemporary leftism, are more or less disposed to the same bigotry - only instead of intolerance, you HAVE TO tolerate all the degeneracy and filth, or else your a "racist, nazi, homophobe, etc." It doesn't take a genius to see what's wrong with the world, and why. I'd like to think most of us found our way here because we're "outlaws" - that doesn't mean we are necessarily bad people. It means we don't let other people decide how we're going to live our lives. That we're not afraid to be ourselves, whatever it is that we are. I know myself very well and I'm very comfortable in my skin. When I tried to be what I thought everyone wanted me to be, I hated myself, I was fucking miserable. Political correctness and organized unjustified hate are two different things. Check out the movie "Gran Torino" with Clint Eastwood, if its not too ruff for ya...

To sum up, "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die fighting for your right to say it."
PS, yes I need to get a job. :D


Don't buy from me
Sep 15, 2023
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I think as long as we all get along and are civil we dont need to worry about user names. If these people turn out to be trolls we can get rid of them
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