Looking for a european chemist producing amphetamine for his needs

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Don't buy from me
New Member
Mar 13, 2023
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Hey there, glad I found this forum. I've been a very active member in the dread speed boards but ever since its been down I've been cut off as well.

Not sure if its the correct board and if such posts are welcomed at all but I decided I make this post as this is something that has been in my head for quite some while and this looks like the most suitable place to ask.

I'm a long time amphetamine user and I need a steady supply of something like 100g per 1-2 months.
I am looking for someone who produces the amphetamine first hand and most importantly they consume it themselves. I look for a person that goes to the required lengths and is passionate and demanding enough to produce an excellent, pure and in the end safe to consume product first and foremost for his very own needs, practicing high standards to the extend applicable.

As I've said before I'm a long time amphetamine user, never been on prescription meds etc, always sourcing on dw or the streets. Last years I'm witnessing incredibly strange things in most of what I'm sourcing and I won't lie I've grown increasingly suspicious and paranoid of most of the stuff I'm getting my hands on, especially given how hell has broken lose with pharmaceuticals with the best latest example being highly questionable gene therapy injections and what could three letter agencies and other agents of the transhumanist agenda trying to push into our bodies ever more so.

Other than that, I've made more than 30 orders the past two years and I'm yet to find a reliable supplier. No european vendor, including notable and highly regarded ones like GordonAlles, Amaguetesiegel, NLK and others seemed to have any consistency at all and this has lead to an endless consumption of essentially random and almost always incredible toxic substance for a long time. Even thorough washing with generous amounts of hot anhydrous acetone seems to cut it anymore as apparently most of the fillers/residues nowadays are not acetone soluble and I'm being left out with no other option but causing constant daily havoc on my stomach and gut.. I've also grown a couple of sphere like clots under the skin which are most certainly due to daily consumption of the last amphetamine I've got in hand. Its been increasingly concerning as time goes on and I'm ingesting all sorts of random chemicals for prolonged time, this is why I decided to pull the trigger and make this post as I've been in such desperate position for quite some time now..

If there is any chemist out there, located in Europe and producing relative modest qualities for his own consumption or his inner circles, please come in contact with me via any means possible in case you're willing to supply me with safe to consume amphetamine. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly looking for a usual seller but a person we can form a close and long term friendship and honestly help each other in possible ways. Currently I'm not in a position to pay a generous extra like I feel like doing but I'm a grateful and loyal person and hopefully I'll be able to return this incredible favor someway or another down the road...

Thanks for reading, I hope the right person comes by this post.
In any case, god bless you all.
Stay safe


Jun 24, 2021
Reaction score
See all the ads in the BB Market. There you will find manufacturers of amphetamine. As a rule, manufacturers don't have much time to look for such posts on the forum. Try to make an effort to find a supplier on your own.
If someone offers you to buy something first, that person is 99% likely to be a scammer
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