Lab organization


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Sep 6, 2022
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Before starting to synthesize, every kitchen chemist must determine where everything will take place. In this article, we will consider some important considerations when choosing a location for your future laboratory.
 One of the most important of these is security. In order for you to have peace of mind, you must feel confident that no one and nothing will interfere with your synthesis. One of the most important steps to success in your kitchen is organizing a safe space.

Security consists of several factors:
1) Security from outsiders. I think everyone would agree that the fewer people who know the location of the proposed lab, the more reliable the location will be.​

Using a bunker under your house is not a bad solution

Access to the laboratory should be limited to the number of people needed to do the work. And even they don't need to know exactly what's going on behind the most mysterious door. You have to take care of the legend first, which will explain a plausible version of what is happening to the uninitiated.

2)  Digital hygiene is essential for long and successful lab work. Do not use personal gadgets or any other means of communication that can identify you on the mobile network. Make a clear distinction between personal and professional contacts. Make sure they never overlap.  More recently, the signal from mobile devices has been used to identify the people involved. The signal from your personal device should never come from or on the way to the lab. Even buying everything you need for the cook.

3) When purchasing anything for the lab, pay cash in small denominations. When you pay by card, you also de-anonymize yourself.
It is also advisable to use basic means of disguise so that if you accidentally fall under the surveillance camera, you will not be noticed.  Use glasses, hats (scarves), inconspicuous clothing.

4) Before each trip to the lab, make sure you are not being followed. It is better to use different routes and different means of transportation.​

Be sure that nothing outwardly gives away your sanctuary

So the place has been chosen, and you're sure of it. The next thing you need to do is set up the lab with everything you need. This requires a detailed study of synthesis. It is prohibited to use the Internet on your personal device. Keep your requests anonymous when you search for information. Determine what you need for the synthesis, where you can get it, and what you can replace it with. You must have a clear, detailed work plan. In the process of synthesis, it is no longer possible to get what you need quickly and safely. So we plan everything at the NASA mission level, you have to anticipate everything.
Laboratory equipment can often be substituted for kitchen or household items. Their purchase is much less suspicious. So replace everything you can with household items. You can also make some devices yourself.    Working in a lab requires creativity and a masterful hand. So study the thematic forums and youtube, all the information is available at the moment.​

Procurement of everything you need also requires special attention. Never order using your address or name. It is better to use fictitious names and addresses of other people. Never buy everything in one place, especially the chemical ingredients and equipment kit. If your parcel is fragmented into many small parcels of the same item, to different addresses and names, it will be extremely difficult to guess how the items will be used.

The layout of the workstation must fully meet the needs of the chemist. The lab should be comfortable, everything should be in its place. Chemists often need to work in masks and protective suits, so the lab needs to be spacious enough to avoid accidentally touching anything. Use convenient lockers. Do not clutter your workspace with unnecessary items. It is better to have several storage rooms for different purposes. Use comfortable lighting; the light should not be too dim or too bright. But it is better to cover the windows so that the street cannot see what is going on in the room. Ventilation and filtration require special attention. The accumulation of corrosive gases often leads to negative consequences, fires and even explosions. Depending on the intended synthesis, an air extraction and filtration system must be selected. Be sure to use the inflow and outflow of air.​
Before using chemistry, it is your responsibility to learn the safety procedures for handling reagents and reaction products. Use recommended protective equipment and be aware of and prepared to deal with substance emergencies. Keep absorbents and supplies handy.

So you've picked a place and bought everything you need. You have taken the utmost care in security. Possess all information about the future synthesis. And you feel confident that you're ready to get started. It was a long way to go, so you want to get started as soon as possible. But it's not that simple. This is especially true for beginners who are working on their first synthesis ever.

Yes, you've done a lot of work and are ready to start, but you still need experience. This is the main difference between a successful chemist and a beginner. Experience is gained only through repeated attempts at synthesis. You should clearly understand that you must make several attempts at fusion. That the first synthesis will not give you the desired result more than 90% of the time, but it will give you a better understanding of the process.    So you have to be patient, that's the most important quality of a chemist.

From my own experience, I can say that any new synthesis, even for an experienced chemist, will not work the first time. You have to go through failure to achieve a successful synthesis, and be calm about it. It's okay, it's a learning process, it's a path that every aspiring chemist has to take. People with experience know this, so they all work out over time. It's hard for a beginner to accept, but only by accepting that success comes over time as a result of hard work will your talent as a chemist be revealed.​
This is the way of cook.

This is only a small part of what the aspiring chemist needs to understand. Each lab requires a unique approach. We know it seems complicated. That's why our experts will help anyone who contacts us to understand any issue. There is always a solution!

Our experts are especially valuable because they already have extensive experience. In any situation, you can write to any of our experts and get a detailed response.​