South Africa used to be a well-known source for pharmacy lean, you could order from one online pharmacy like 2 or 4 bottles of their codeine-promethazine, it would just be smaller bottles (like half pints instead of pints). I'm pretty sure the pharmacy went offline some time ago, they shipped to the USA no problem, maybe you will have some luck finding another one like it, I bet they would have codeine too.
France used to be the same. They used to ship Euophon (I believe that was the name of the codeine suspension) and Promethazine syrup, max of two bottles each, all online, no questions asked. Stopped around 2018-2020 I think, when they passed laws around online pharmacies (from what I remember), as far as I know both of these drugs are still available OTC, only you might have to ask the pharmacist for them.
Most European countries have codeine OTC, just with limits on how much you can buy (you can just smurf it like you would do with pseudo-eph in the USA).