William D.
- Joined
- Jul 19, 2021
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Part I. Buy Mephedrone
If you want to buy mephedrone (4-methylpropiophenone, 4-MMC, Meph, Bouce, Mephedron) then you should know that it is regulated in Schedule I of the Narcotics Act (BtMG). This means it is considered particularly dangerous and has no recognized medical use. The consumption of mephedrone itself is not a criminal offense. However, actions related to consumption, such as possession and acquisition, can be punishable. Possession and buy of mephedrone, even for personal consumption, is a violation of the Narcotics Act. However, as with other narcotics, the public prosecutor’s office can refrain from prosecution in the case of a “geringe Menge” for personal consumption (Section 31a BtMG). The concept of “geringe Menge” (small quantity) is significant in German criminal law, especially in the context of the Narcotics Act (Betäubungsmittelgesetz - BtMG). It is related to the possibility of waiving prosecution for possession of narcotics for personal use. However, the exact grams for each substance are determined by guidelines and regulations that may vary between the federal states (Länder). Defining the “geringe Menge” of mephedrone is complex and depends on the state in which the case is being considered and on the specific court decision. It is usually a quantity that can be considered intended for single or at most a few uses.
The term “Normalmenge” (normal quantity) in the context of German criminal law related to narcotics does not have a clearly defined meaning like “geringe Menge” or “nicht geringe Menge.” It is not a legal term and is not used in legislation or judicial practice. However, “Normalmenge” can be understood as the quantity of a narcotic that falls between “geringe Menge” (small quantity) and “nicht geringe Menge” (non-trivial quantity). This quantity is neither so small as to avoid criminal liability, nor so large as to qualify as “nicht geringe Menge” with all its associated consequences. Possession of a “Normalmenge” of a narcotic is illegal and can carries criminal liability.”
“The severity of the punishment depends on a number of factors, such as:
- The intended use of the narcotic (for personal consumption or for sale).
- Prior convictions.
- Cooperation with the investigation.
- Circumstances of the crime (e.g., whether the crime was committed near a school or kindergarten).
The public prosecutor’s office will assess the specific situation, including the quantity of the narcotic, and decide whether to bring charges and, if so, under which article. There are no exact grams defining “Normalmenge”. Everything depends on the specific case and the decision of the prosecutor’s office and the court.”
““Nicht geringe Menge” (non-trivial quantity) in German criminal law means that the amount of the narcotic substance exceeds the established threshold for waiving criminal prosecution and falls into the category of more serious offenses. This entails much stricter criminal liability.
The possession, acquisition, production, or trafficking of narcotics in “nicht geringe Menge” is punishable by significant prison sentences. “Nicht geringe Menge” is considered a more serious crime than the possession of a small quantity for personal consumption.
Depending on the specific actions (possession, trafficking, production), different articles of the Criminal Code apply and, consequently, different sanctions.
The punishment may be increased if aggravating circumstances are present, such as:
- Sale of narcotics to minors.
- Organized crime.
- Death or severe bodily harm due to the use of narcotics.”
Part II. Buy Mephedrone Weight
The “Nicht geringe Menge” (Non-Minor Quantity) of Narcotics
According to § 29a of the Narcotics Act (Betäubungsmittelgesetz - BtMG), a prison sentence of no less than one year shall be imposed on anyone who (…) illegally trades in narcotics in a “nicht geringe Menge,” produces or dispenses them in a “nicht geringe Menge,” or possesses them without having obtained a license pursuant to § 3 Para. 1 (BtMG).
According to § 30 BtMG, a prison sentence of no less than two years shall be imposed on anyone who (…) imports narcotics in a “nicht geringe Menge” without a license pursuant to § 3 Para. 1 No. 1 (BtmG).
According to § 30a BtMG, a prison sentence of no less than five years shall be imposed on anyone who, as a member of a gang, illegally cultivates, produces, trades in, imports, or exports narcotics in a “nicht geringe Menge.” Likewise, anyone who illegally trades in narcotics in a “nicht geringe Menge” or imports, exports, or procures them without trading, and carries a firearm or other objects with them that are suitable and intended for injuring persons, shall be punished.
The size of the quantity of narcotics necessary to constitute a “nicht geringe Menge” is not legally defined.
According to Article 103 Para. 2 of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz - GG) and § 1 of the Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch - StGB), an act can only be punished if the punishability was legally defined before the act was committed.
This “principle of certainty” requires a specification for the legal characteristic of the “nicht geringe Menge,” which has been carried out by the criminal senates of the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) for mephedrone”
- § 29 BtMG: Simple possession, trade, or import and export of mephedrone can be punished with a prison sentence of up to five years or a fine.
- § 29a BtMG: Anyone who trades with a “nicht geringe Menge” (non-minor quantity) (from 25g active ingredient content) or, as a person over 21 years of age, gives mephedrone to minors, must expect a minimum prison sentence of one year.
- § 30 BtMG: Gang-related or commercial trade in “nicht geringe Mengen” of mephedrone entails a minimum prison sentence of two yea
The 3rd Criminal Senate of the Federal Court of Justice ruled by decision of March 7, 2023 (3 StR 29/23) that for mephedrone, the “nicht geringe Menge” (non-minor quantity) begins with an active ingredient content of 25 grams. Because there is no reliable knowledge about the extremely dangerous or lethal dose of mephedrone, nor about the average consumption unit of a consumer unaccustomed to the use of this drug, findings from (isolated) scientific studies, intoxication case studies, and user reports must be used to determine the threshold value for its “nicht geringe Menge” (non-minor quantity). The threshold value of 25g results from a comparison of mephedrone with other synthetic cathinones comparable in chemical composition and mode of action, including pentedrone.
Part III. Buy Mephedrone Safety
If you are confronted with a criminal complaint or an investigation for possession, trade, buy or import of mephedrone, quick and considered action is crucial:
- Without legal advice, you should not make any statements to the police or the public prosecutor’s office. Everything you say can later be used against you.
- Never appear for identification procedures or interrogations without prior consultation with a lawyer. This can decide the course of the proceedings.
- The sooner you take care of legal defense, the better. Insist on your right to consult a lawyer even in the event of arrests and house searches.
In the event of a house search (Hausdurchsuchung), the following applies:
- Keep calm! Do not resist and remain polite.
- Remain silent! You are not obliged to provide information or actively participate in the search.
- Consult a lawyer (Anwalt hinzuziehen)! Insist that a lawyer is informed before you make a statement or hand over documents.
- Documentation! Note down which officers were on site and what exactly was searched. Your lawyer can check whether the measure was lawful and whether defense strategies can be derived from it.”
You can protect yourself if you want to buy mephedrone on our marketplace: https://bazaar.bz/
(onion: http://bazaarboom567hsuxjspmwurpl7lyx23p7r2byg22vwfhv5yubvvezid.onion/)
You can pre-order and buy a specific weight of mephedrone to ensure that the quantity is safe.
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