Question About Crystal Meth Reaction


Don't buy from me
New Member
Feb 16, 2023
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Hello Everyone,

I am trying to make meth by Shake'n Bake method. I tried couple of times to do it. But there is a problem always happen with the reaction. The reaction never happened. I don't know why?

My method is about. Adding Amonium Nitrate (one cup) and Pseudoephedrine pills (3 to 4 boxes), then Pour in Benzene or Ethanol.

Unfortunately I don't have any of these things in my city; Coleman fuel or Starting fluid.

After that I add one Lithium Stripe. And Lye (1/4 cup). But the thing is I know that the reaction starts immediately. But in my case it doesn't. Nothing occurs, So I need to know where is the problem! Since the first time I did the reaction. It worked!! I was using Kerosone that time.

I smoked off the powder by just place the pot in the freezer without using HCL gas. After filtering the liquid only.

So in conclusion, My question is how the reaction will happen again by using only my limited poor tools lol.


Don't buy from me
New Member
Feb 12, 2023
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Well you need hydrocarbon solvent like Coleman/toluene/xylene/kerosene.When meth is based by NaOH in the bottle it wants to go to hydrocarbon solvent it wont go to ethanol.I never used Benzene so i do not know about that one but keep in mind that even little water in the reaction bottle can stop reaction taking place.Always make sure that your solvent of choice is dry as possible both ammonia gas and NaOH in the bottle are basic when pressure in the bottle builds up it will basify ephedrine hcl to ephedrine freebase so reaction can take place.I would stick to kerosene.Have you tried zippo lighter fluid it is probably most available solvent in most countries for this.

Keep in mind that using hardware store as source of your solvents and acids can lead to poor quality results of the product.Shake and bake is method that has potential to make contaminated product.If you have good source of ephedrine try clasic birch reaction instead by condensing anyhydrous ammonia.It will make way more cleaner product than s/b ever could

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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The method you mention is terrible and unlikely to work. Do you have a link to the actual method? If you don't extract those pills all of the starch in them is going to gunk the whole thing up. I've read 100 variations of methods and none of them were this clandestine. I'm going to make a note of how to poison your friends with unreacted Sudafed and lithium 😅. I saw this thread was old, but I already replied and so I had to go with it. My 😞