Hello, want to know what is the best way to eliminate the smell of de liquid cocaine, once it go in clothes, also wanto to know if is the HCL the best way to remove the cocaine from the clothe of if anybody can suggest me a better option for do that and dont lose a lot of quantity in the...
Hi guys, I'm new here but I would like to sell what I grow here. Is there a tutorial for this here?
My difficulty is in the logistics of deliveries to other countries or within my own country,
I don't know how to do that. Is it safer than selling on the street?
Hey there! Im searching for a vendor anywhere in austria preferably in vienna that can deaddrop same day as payment or arrange hand to hand (cash for drugs) deals. Desperately. Anything smokeable off foil or a pipe like nep, meth, a-pvp/a-php/a-pihp, mdpihp/mdphp, etc. and also other stuff would...
Hey guys,
I'm a bit new at drugs market, but I know something about chemistry,
I would be interested in starting to cook any drug but I don't know which is the cheapest to produce and I don't know the normal street and wholesale prices either, could someone give me a suggestion?
I appreciate...