Heyyy! I'm new here. And I'm a student who's been really into the drug synthesis vids here lately, which have totally sparked my curiosity and got me interested.
But I realized I'm not that great with chemistry, and it could really trip me up as I learn about different syntheses. Also, English...
So yeah title explains been using synthetic canibnoids beginning with when there was no law go in the shop and dbuy whatever. I loved it straight away....downers are my favourites so had about five drags felt like smoked bag off gear but stronger two weeks later I'm off the gear without even...
I have an Idea of a possible Synthesis route of aMT using tryptophan as the starting material.
I have looked for a synthesis like this on this forum, but I have not found anything, so if a question like this already exists I am very sorry.
The synthesis i thought of is starting with the...
Hola buenas tardes, hace tiempo que empezé a investigar por estos lares y estoy pensando en empezar a enviar paquetes a Europa con hash y flores. Mis dudas son acerca el envasado del product, tipo de dicoy, tema rayos xby el hacer los envíos de la manera más segura para ambas partes Gracias...
Hello to you ! I've been browsing this site for a few days looking for knowledge and experience ! And I am really very happy to have found so much! So Thanks.
For as much I always ask myself some question which could help other person who like me one can of experiment, are curious to learn. So...