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  1. Balthazar

    The price of cocaine in Brazil?

    Cocaine Brasília 
    Hello Brazilians! How many dollars does a kilo of cocaine cost in Brazil?
  2. B

    chemicals quotation

    Hi everyone I need your opinion on what to do for this order description ( it is not easy to get chemicals where i am from ) description -'Methylpropiophenone 90% - 1 bottle 100 ml -170$ Delivery is expected in about 6-7 weeks Ethyl acetate 99% 5liter - 52$ Delivery is expected in about...
  3. TheVacuumGuy

    Price insanity for 2-bromo-3-methylpropiophenone compared to 2b4m + some quotes to compare

    So in my attempts finding a a supplier for some 2B3M (CAS : 1451-83-8), i've made some inquiries. The inquiries cam down to : CAS : 1451-83-8 Amount: 10kg, (repeated at some interval, when satisfied). Incoterm: the least hassle, so think DDP or (DPU which i didnt know existed) overview of...
  4. A

    What is the wholesale price per kg of bath salts (4-MMC,MDPV and bk-MDMA) in the European market?

    Does anyone know the exact wholesale price per kg of these bath salts on the European market? Thank you all! ;)
  5. A

    What is the wholesale price of cocaine hydrochloride per kg in the European market?

    Thank you all!