
  1. L

    I have a recipe question

    I'm interested in which drug is the easiest to make at home like where is the easiest to get ingredients and everything else.
  2. The-Hive


    Event News Buy 
    Is there any vendors in this section? you could possibly come handy at some point..
  3. Haruwua

    Looking for vendor in Austria

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Hey there! Im searching for a vendor anywhere in austria preferably in vienna that can deaddrop same day as payment or arrange hand to hand (cash for drugs) deals. Desperately. Anything smokeable off foil or a pipe like nep, meth, a-pvp/a-php/a-pihp, mdpihp/mdphp, etc. and also other stuff would...
  4. P

    Hello, does anyone have a recipe for making the drug 2cb that they can show me?

    I am interested in the development of 2cb, I am a lover of chemistry
  5. L

    Question about re-selling drugs from the Darknet.

    hello is it actually possible to actually safely and securly purchase about 100-400 mdma pills on the dark net to resell to make profit? like can i resell illegal products i buy from the dark net and resell them in my country for profits?
  6. T

    How do i make WEED

    I have looked around the fourm. And either am a retard or there is not alot about weed *atleast of making it* Which is why am trying to ask here. I have never tried drugs. the closet thing i have done is inhale deodorant from a bag. I know you need to grow weed. But i have no idea where to...
  7. The-Hive


    Event News Buy Dead Drop 
    Get Free Samples & Share the Love for every 5 new members you refer ❤️ Join our community and enjoy FREE samples ! Experience the quality that everyone’s talking about—absolutely risk-free 🫡 I can’t do this on my own. I need your full assistance and patience to recruit new members to the...
  8. Dark3r

    Procaine recipe

    Need the recipe of the procaine 59-46-1 snow flake crystal how to produce. Who can help me? Thanks.
  9. I

    anyone has synthesis for Lysergic acid diethylamide.

    I basically need a list of the necessary equipment, raw materials, exact measurements and steps to proceed I'm willing to attempt it atp
  10. The-Hive


    Southampton Kingston upon Hull Newcastle upon Tyne Leeds 
    Anyone in the UK in any off theses areas DM asap we need to get the word out and fast more users the better the outcome
  11. DMTrott

    Random Recovery Tips From An Ageing Psychonaut

    What is it like being old and taking drugs? What is different compared to taking them when younger? Are there any differences at all? Yes there are. In fact, depending upon the drug in question, quite a few changes come with experience and age; but the most obvious physical manifestation...
  12. kayce18475

    Im In need of a supplier (manufacture)

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Im in need of a supplier who can provide me the following every month, Tuzistra XR 16 fl oz (14.7mg codeine, 2.8 chlorpheniramine) x10 Vicodin (5mg/300mg, 5mg/325mg) x500 Codeine Pills (60mg) x1000 *pref inside of RX Box* If the Tuzistra XR Cough Syrup can not be found, im willing to buy any...
  13. shrekova.bazina

    Is it safe to sell drugs on instagram?

    Hey, is it safe to sell drugs on instagram? I want to start selling drugs and I thought I could try it through instagram, if it is safe how to do it so that I remain anonymous
  14. fidelis

    the thing i dont understand about drug schedules

    hey, im an american, so let me know if its different for you guys but i dont get how literal METH (desoxyn) is a schedule 2 drug (allowed if you have a prescription) while weed and psychedelics are schedule 1 (not allowed at all). no matter how much the government wants to preach about caution...
  15. DMTrott

    The Drug Users Bible [Browser Edition]

    This is the browser version of the paperback and PDF editions of The Drug Users Bible. It comprises the entire book, with navigation and search enabled. A free zip of the site is available for copies to be re-hosted by third parties or browsed offline.
  16. DMTrott

    Drugs, The Darknet & The Media [My Story]

    I spent much of 2023 working on the darknet. This is my story. You won’t be reading anything about it in the media anytime soon. Stay safe. :-) DRUGS, THE DARKNET & THE MEDIA [MY STORY] The darknet drug markets now provide more harm reduction information to users than both the government and...
  17. A

    How to erase traces of fingerprint marks from transparent zip-type plastic bags and from paper envelopes?

    Is there any effective technique to remove fingerprint traces from plastic zip bags, paper mail envelopes to avoid being discovered by law enforcement? Thank you!!
  18. Heisenberg5994


    It's been 20 years since I last had ecstacy, would love to do it again. All my searches turned up empty. Plenty of meth and fatty, but yuck. Sick of it. I would love to find some real x or molly. Help me find anyone, I'm patient
  19. SamAltman

    Ask DrugGPT anything

    Hello, I have a bot called DrugGPT who is an expert on drugs, cooking, selling, distributing, etc. I will ask the bot any questions you may have and send them to you. Feel free to ask anything. Works on almost every question. Good luck, Sam P.S. You can look at all my messages / replys and see...
  20. DMTrott

    The War On Drugs Is A War Of Terror

    The harm caused to drug consumers via the machinery of governments is often significantly greater than that caused by the drugs themselves. Families are ripped apart, people have their lives shattered by cruel incarceration, and entire sections of society live at risk and in fear. Thus, by...