Hello, want to know what is the best way to eliminate the smell of de liquid cocaine, once it go in clothes, also wanto to know if is the HCL the best way to remove the cocaine from the clothe of if anybody can suggest me a better option for do that and dont lose a lot of quantity in the...
Hello again, I'm in doubt with some things, as I'm new to this, I wanted to understand some things, what would be the best protective equipment when preparing methamphetamine, or any other type of drug and what would be the fastest and easiest drug to do? (I'm very glad it was well received...
Hey Pharmacists and Chemists,
I am relatively new in this topic.
Wich Chemical Drug can I produce with not so high afford and experience? I mean a simple synthesis??
Madrid, January 18: Spanish police have dismantled what they believe to be the biggest cocaine laboratory discovered in Europe so far and detained 25 people, police said Tuesday.
The laboratory was located on a property in Villanueva de Perales near Madrid. Police confiscated 300 kg of drugs...
I have searched, that dogs can sniff the drugs even if they are hiding well.
I was thinking about how dealers sending their stuff via postal mail without getting caught?
and what going to happen if the postal office caught the drugs won't that be high risky for the dealer to identify...
The Construction And Operation Of Clandestine Drug Laboratories
Year: 1994
Pages: 124
This book describes, in step-by-step, illustrated detail, how to set up and run a clandestine drug lab - without getting caught Jack B. Nimble reveals how to select a location, discusses safety precautions -...