
  1. pap.pine

    [EU] Looking recommendations for Hose / Pipe / Fitting for Vacuum Pump

    What are some affordable alternatives to stainless steel hoses or fittings for connecting the inlet (NW25) of an Edwards vacuum pump to 10mm (or something like that) piping and/or glassware connectors (e.g., PTFE 24/40 to pipe fitting)? I’m trying to avoid the high costs of stainless steel...
  2. TheVacuumGuy

    TheVacuumGuy's guide to building a multipurpose vacuum pump.

    Multipurpose vacuum pump by the VACUUM guy What? Vacuum pumps are a quite expensive beast, plus a lot of care has to be taken to not break it due to gasses, acids and so on. In this guide I’ll describe how to build your own, for a fraction of the costs, and has added benefits...
  3. dnBQByvHb8Zkawbjpx

    Home Laboratory: DIY Fume Hood

    In this thread I will document my build of a poor man's fume hood. It may not look like it yet, but this cardboard box will become a functional fume hood in few days.
  4. fidelis

    cheap homemade microgram scale

    by Shawn Carlson (Scientific American, June 1996) but taken from a vespiary link. however, i will post an updated version in the replies!! ^_^ Microgram balances are clever devices that can measure fantastically tiny masses. Top-of-the-line models employ an ingenious combination of...
  5. Furio

    Need to improvise addition flask with the stuff I have + hardware store essentials

    Alright so I need to improvise a 1L addition flask (33% HCl) with anything you'll find in a hardware store and these: - 3 way distillation adapter - 0.7mm inner and 1cm outer diameter glass tubing in a T shape, with a 3 way valve in the center (only valve I have)...
  6. MuricanSpirit

    Home Laboratory: DIY Vacuum Pump

  7. MuricanSpirit

    Home Laboratory: DIY Hot Plate Stirrer

    I fail to see why I should pay about 1000$ for a hotplate/magnetic stirrer if the tech is so simple. Is it possible to just throw a hotplate over a stirring plate (if the stirring plate is strong enough to keep rotating eg. 5cm distance). Im not sure if the magnetic field interfers in any way...