
  1. W

    Nasıl anonim şekilde satın alabiliriz?

    Başka bir internet sitesinden, yurtdışından uyuşturucu satın alacağım. Sınırda köpeklerle ve X-ray ile kontrol ediliyor. Satıcıların çoğu X-ray ve koku konusunda Uzman ve Uluslararası uyuşturucu trafiği her zaman işliyor ama sınırda yakanma ihtimali her zaman var. Eğer sınırda uyuşturucu...
  2. HewHiSt

    Drugs by mail

    Hey i was wondering but how can dealers send packages by mail with drugs inside and not just powder how do they hide shrooms or liquids ? i do not intend to do that but it is a question i have what techniques do they use ? i know some sray vinegar and peppers on the packages and wrap with...
  3. ireshop

    Entrega con Drones

    Este post lo subí en ingles en otro hilo, pero me gustaría compartirlo en español también para todos. Tras mucho buscar y probar puedo daros un modelo de drone listo para volar que puede hacer todo lo que buscaba: - Pequeño - Silencioso - Medio alcance - Económico - Puede llevar carga...
  4. Speedy_Gonzales

    Stealth Methods

    Post Delivery 
    Hello, With being a new vendor and new to the delivery methods online markets require, has anyone got any pointers on stealth packaging? Obviously vac packing is a must, and I've also heard about the use of tinfoil to obscure xrays. has anyone got any pointers as to what flags a package up...
  5. primitiveintelectual

    Mrtve schranky anketa, prieskum

    Dead Drop 
    Dead Drop Slovakia Mrtve schranky Slovensko Bratislava, Banska Bystrica, Košice
  6. Superfly$$

    Navigating the World of Cannabis with Weedmaps: A Comprehensive Guide

    Introduction: In recent years, the cannabis industry has experienced a monumental shift, thanks to changing laws and a growing appreciation for the plant's medicinal and recreational benefits. As the cannabis community expands, so does the need for reliable resources to navigate this...