Hello, want to know what is the best way to eliminate the smell of de liquid cocaine, once it go in clothes, also wanto to know if is the HCL the best way to remove the cocaine from the clothe of if anybody can suggest me a better option for do that and dont lose a lot of quantity in the...
Mostly of my knowledge and experience with some synths and processes are shared detailed and posted simply to help other people and try to avoid them to make the same mistakes I did or lose the time I lost too hahaha
Even that many people ask me about more info and more details offering me a...
I need the complete step-by-step chemical synthesis of LSD-25, I have searched several times on the clear net but there is very little information, I only know that lysergic acid (CAS: 82-58-6) is used as a precursor, Thank you all!
Just wondering what is the best way to purify methylamine created by reacting formaldehyde and ammonium chloride (which is at the end the only contaminate after dichloromethane and methanol wash).
What I found was that the solubility in ethanol(pure) for methylamine is 29.1g/100g(at 78*C) and...
Hi everyone,
I need an urgent advice from a chemist.
During the delivery process from ordered A-Oil the vendor didn't seal the package correctly, so all the liquid
has spread inside the package. As stealth, clothing was repackaged and this is now soaked with all the oil. It is a large amount...