
  1. C

    freebase+aceton=forming amide+ other questions

    -Hi there, does aceton(ketone) form amide with freebase? ( seen this question on an other forum, but it was for washing with aceton) Let's say if i dilute my AMF FB with aceton 1/1 or 2/1. -Also i cant seen to make a sulfurid acid/ aceton solution for salting ( if i go further than 1/20 ratio...
  2. T

    Can IPA be replaced by (m)ethanol

    In the production of amfetamines, can IPA be replaced? Can u solve 2pnp in (bio) ethenol/ methanol? Also for acidification. u can 1/1 (m)ethanol/freebase for acidification ? Asking because IPA is very expensive instead of other alcohols. I know they both atrack water from air, would that be a...
  3. C

    how would you clean "dutch dirty speed paste"

    hi, what would you do? ( i have iso prop alco, dry acetone and a coffeefilthers) normally i would just ad everything ( wet paste) in a glass of dry cold aceton. mix it for about 2min until everything is desolved. poured the content over the filter and wait, till it drips out. the residue that...
  4. C

    AMF search

    Looking for a vendor 
    My WW. (my perfect star) has died so im searching for a new vendor. (only AMPH) im located in the land of waffles and chocolad, and i'm mad because the french have named fries after their country.