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By placing an order, the Customer declares that the data provided during its submission is sufficient and current to fulfill the given order.
By placing an order, the Customer declares that he has the legal capacity to conclude a contract. The customer cannot...
I want to make meth but I want to use nail polisher instead of acetone to do two things:
First to extract pseudoephedrine from sudafed medicine
Second, as an organic dissolvent for the metamphetamine base
Will that work?
How safe is 15-20% H2SO4 in acetone solution? Theoretically, under specific conditions, H2SO4 can acidify acetone. But how fast is this process? Is such acid form safe and stable to be used within 24-48 hours?
Under the topic of purify acetone is always brought up.
For all of our interest we'd need (if not exist) a lab analysis from before and after acetone treatment to amphetamine or cocaine salt. Since it's repeatidly meantioned but never with evidence.
The common idea is that:
You have lets say...
Thought it would be nice to have a post about extraction/purification of basic and essential over-the-counter products for beginners that lack proper equipment. Today will be Acetone.
Why Acetone? Well, sometimes it is too expensive/time consuming/hard/illegal for the beginner to get their...
Hello, I need more detailed information about this extraction within my possibilities.
The most important question about resources is -
The instructions call for the use of naphtha (VM&P Naphtha)
I come from the CZECH...
Let's start a thread on how to measure solubility in general. For specific substances and solvents better start a separate thread, since most readers are probably more interested in the results than in academic discussions.
Knowing the solubility at various temperatures helps:
Acetone is often used to 'wash' MDMA.HCl, i.e. to reduce the amount of pollution before re-crystallization. See MDMA/ecstasy purification method. It's difficult to find data on solubility, probably because of the legal status in many countries. Using this data one can make better...
In the synthesis of mephedrone (4-MMC) and other psychoactive substances at different stages (synthesis and purification) use different solvents, which are not entered into a chemical reaction. They remain in the same form as before syntheses. However, they are mixed with dirt, and...