Question Reducing Waste


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Dec 27, 2022
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Try as I might, I have not been able to find any documentation regarding the extraction of _ from urine.
Primarily I am interested in recovering amphetamine(s).
I found some .pdf kicking around the web which described a process of extraction using gas chromatography mass spectroscopy or some other inaccessibly complicated and probably proprietary technology/process.
However, I have heard the term "piss lab" mentioned by a friend who claims to have encountered them first hand in... less-than-lab conditions.
I am also aware of terms such as "tinkle tweaking" which if I'm not mistaken specifically refers to drinking enchanted piss... nope.

Anyway, I'm going to share my account of a journey blindly down that old yellow road.
I had no idea if I would be able to learn the necessary technique(s) for extraction but I felt justified in thinking that a method must exist; and so as they say: "make hay while the sun shines"...

Urine was collected throughout a year of relatively heavy amphetamine use.
On most days, this included a mix of 'd-', 'l-', and 'm...' amphetamine.
* average daily dosage of m...amph was estimated to be 100mg (administered orally).
* formulations/dosages regarding the 'd' and 'l' variants will not be disclosed (as this could be useful to the filthy fascist swine who undoubtedly will patrol this forum (assuming this isn't some kind of honeypot to begin with)).
* the potentiating effect of antacids were known and avoided to ensure theoretically high secreations.

Most of the time, the urine was collected on-the-fly into 500mL water bottles (from wince it came).
* every now and again, one of these bottles would still contain some (unfortunately seemingly non-trivial) amount of drinking water at time of collection.

I did my best to keep control groups: muggle-piss was stored separately from enchanted piss.
I noticed that enchanted containers always developed a layer of crystalline sediment which would begin to form within a few days and seemed to fully settle out after a couple weeks.
* Samples collected while selectively abstaining only from m...amph were noticed to form a significantly thinner layer.
* Containers in the control group - piss of muggle - did not form any sediment layer.
I assumed that this crystalline sediment layer must be a mixture of metabolites and/or of the target material.
- I believe this assumption was my first mistake, and eventually - incentivized to reduce the storage footprint of my urine cache - I fumbled my way into a repeatable process of condensing the (suspected) target material... and disposing of the top urine layer...

1.) allow urine to settle for about a month ,
2.) carefully siphon off most (but not all) of the top layer - flushing it down the toilet (facePalm-Emoji?).
3.) combine the remaining bottom layer from each processed 500mL container into 2L soda bottles.
* I repeated this process - combining the sediment into progressively larger and thus fewer containers, until
finally I was left with a more manageable cache of combined sediment layers beneath ghastly black blends of aged urine... the foulest substance I have ever encountered.
* On the final run, fearing that I had undertaken this arduous process in error, I decided to make an adjustment. Rather than siphoning the top layer into the toilet, all remaining liquid was redirected into a 3L jug - all but a single 1L bottle that had developed such a robust sediment layer and beneath a virtually clear layer of urine that it was deamed to be special and was set aside.

The products of the previously described process:
(sample-A): The 'special' 1L bottle mentioned above, estimated to contain ~300mL of sediment.
(sample-B): A quasi-isolated crystalline sediment slush <= 900mL (with diligence, this amount could have been much higher... a fact that no longer troubles me given that I'm pretty sure it's useless, as you'll soon see.)
(sample-C): 3L of year-old ghoulish black liquid piss blend with an unknown amount (if any) sediment layer forming.

* Unsure of which solvent to use (acetone vs IPA vs ???) I decided to begin with acetone on sample-A and go from there depending on the results.

(A): After the liquid piss from sample-A was siphoned into sample-C (which perfectly topped-off that 3L container), the 'target' material was retrieved by swirling in a portion of acetone and transferred into a small glass bowl. A second portion of acetone was used to recover the remaining material and combined into said bowl.
(A): The mixture was stirred and then filtered through coffee filters twice before being left to evaporate. The used filters were kept and stored in a jar.
(A): Evaporation had to be carried out opportunistically and thus intermittently; if I recall correctly, it took about a week of unassisted evaporation.
(A): There was never a "crystallizing" per say, but once dried the bowl was encrusted with what looked like pulverized shards having a cloudy white but quite clear color... This looked very similar to, well... from wince it came... I hoped.
* Subjective analysis of sample-A:
- Flavor: none
- Burning sensation when insulflated: none
- Effect(s) from ~50mg oral dosage: none
...sample-A was scraped into a tiny glass vial where it remains stored.

(B): Multiple portions of IPA were added to the ~900mL of sediment slush and shaken with vigor.
(B): The solution was then filtered several times through coffee filters, finally into a clean evaporation bowl.
(B): The used coffee filters were collected into a jar. A pot of water just big enough to house the jar was brought to a boil. The heat was turned off and the jar placed into the pot. After like 30 minutes, the jar was removed from the still hot-to-the-touch water and shaken vigorously. I did this 3 times.
(B): The contents of the jar - filter and all - were then vacuumed-filtered while still hot.
(B): The filtered coffee filters were once again stored in a jar and put away.
(B): This filtered solution was then added to the evaporation bowl and minimally stirred.
(B): The solution had been evaporating for weeks without any sign of recrystallization.
(B): I moved it to the freezer for like 18 hours. No change was observed.
(B): I then began a process of leaving the bowl to sit above a mild heat source to speed evaporation.
(B): I was careful to never bring it to a boil and only occassionally noticed any steam.
(B): Once taken off the heat, it would be moved to the freezer for a few hours before being put away in a safe hiding place.
(B): This hot/cold processing was done three times over about a week's time - at the start of which the volume was estimated to be ~100mL.
(B): Strangley, after the solution was reduced to ~75mL it would partially freeze, but immediately melt when removed from freezer.
(B): At this point, I have resolved to just leave the bowl undisturbed in an unrefrigerated but still cool and dark space. This morning it seemed to be around 50mL. It is a cloudy clear/white color (similar to the final product of sample A) with a tiny layer of dirt-colored impurities that were unable to be filtered and which seem to naturally separate if left undisturbed. However, as my only sep-funnel is a crude personal construct I do not believe it would be possible to attempt running such a tiny volume of material through it.

(C): on stand-by...

(*) For the following reasons, I believe I made a tragic misstep early in the process when I assumed the crystalline sediment layer must contain the target material.
- The product of sample-A does not appear to contain the target.
- Although sample-B is still evaporating, the fact that so much sediment has been reduced to such a small volume of liquid without recrystallizing, does not bode well.
- After watching some of Walt's videos (such as "Preparation_of_2-Bromovalerophenone", "1-Phenyl-2-nitropropene_P2NP_synthesis", and "Amphetamine_synthesis_via_NaBH4"), I observed a pattern where anytime separation was necessary, the respective target material was in the upper layer. Could be coincidental, but I think not.

(?): Have I wasted the past year of my life playing with piss in secret?
(?): Is it more likely that the desired material(s) were in the discarded upper liquid layer?
(?): What could have been done to extract them?
(?): Does the target material degrade? At what rate? What are the factors therein? (Remember, I still have sample-C...)


Don't buy from me
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Dec 29, 2022
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This made me laugh so hard, I cant tell if this is a elaborate troll post or not xD. MAmph is so cheap why would anyone waste time and play with piss 0.0. Much less snort pee crystals


Don't buy from me
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Dec 27, 2022
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It's both. Believe me, I was cracking up the whole time when writing it... but it's real. Keep in mind the 'experiment' took place before I became aware of this forum. I'm sure the information I seek could be extrapolated from some of the material already posted. So let me humbly request that, if possible, someone point me to some relevant material, keywords, whatever. I'll do the leg-work, but I'd rather not fumble around in the dark looking for the starting line.
Evidently I'm at the end of a long chain of middlemen because I have never been able to find it for less than $100/g.
Let's say I consumed a gram every two weeks and 50% (studies suggest closer to 70%) was wasted. Over one year, that would be 13 grams, or $1300 unnecessarily flushed down the drain, and that's a conservative estimate.
I was hoping to work out a repeatable process for recovery before poverty caught back up with me.

...there's more.
I intend on building some kind of specialized device to automate as much as possible. I'm imagining a blackBox near the intersection of a 3d-printer and a chamber pot.
For example, if "salting out" is what I should be doing, then one piece of the code might look like:
blackBox() { if pH.check() < [ideal range] salt.add(); stirring(on); blackBox(); else stirring(off); return }
Enchanted urine goes in, muggle piss comes out, and _amph is retained for whatever further processing might be required.
Free prototypes will be available to anyone that can provide me with useful information.

Lastly, let me point out that this is a glaring opportunity for harm reduction. Hilarious as it all may be, there really are people out there straight up drinking piss. For example, there's a stand-up comedy show I think called "I can't believe this is happening" with an episode titled something like "drinking meth piss". The comedian telling the story tried to figure out how to extract Mamph from urine; but "chemistry is hard"; and started drinking her piss.


Don't buy from me
New Member
Dec 29, 2022
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Ah damn thats expensive, where I live its $40 for an 8 ball / 3.5 grams


Don't buy from me
New Member
Dec 29, 2022
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Also doing a TLC, Meltingpoint and Reagent test is a much more accurate way of testing if there's what you're looking for


Don't buy from me
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Dec 27, 2022
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