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Difluoromethylenedioxyamphetamine (DFMDA, DiFMDA) synthesis (legal MDMA analogue) from 5-Bromo-2,2-difluorobenzodioxole.

Difluoromethylenedioxyamphetamine (DFMDA, DiFMDA) synthesis (legal MDMA analogue) from 5-Bromo-2,2-difluorobenzodioxole.

Source: Chemiolis
Thanks @Irving Langmuir for sharing.
Thank you so much Breaking Bad team 🙏🙏🙏 legal mdma is like my dream as someone who suffers from depressive episodes
According to the Federal Analogue Act of 1986, if it's an analogue of criminalized chemical, than it, too, is unlawful.

Crazy law, because even if a specific analogue hasn't even been thought up of yet, it's already illegal.

Land of the free, baby.
U know that drugs will make that worse right?
I guess it depends and can vary from people to people, but for me personnaly it really helped me to have a different perspective on life and basically killed my depression for a while, but i have to say i only took it like once every 6/7 months for 4 years so i wouldn't consider that heavy use.

Of course i don't recommend taking ecstasy everyday to cure depression, but i think it's better to take a substance like mdma once every 6 months than to drink alcool everyday to deal with depression
No thats not really use at all.any dependency is bad no matter what it is but in moderation and used by someone with knowledge of what they r using, most of any medication can be used to have a positiv affect

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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