Psychedelic bad trip


Jul 5, 2021
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Chapter 1 About the Trip​

A trip is a psychedelic state, an altered state of consciousness, which is characterized by perception different from usual, high sensitivity to current experiences and intense introspection. The introspection lies in an in-depth analysis of one's own activity: own thoughts, feelings and actions. An altered state of consciousness, as a "different" view of subjective experiences, can be considered within the framework of meditation, spiritual practices, the use of certain substances that are not related to psychedelics (MDMA, THC, and others), but in the context of this publication, we will talk directly about psychedelics.​

The "psychedelic" concept originates from a combination of two Greek words ψυχή (psycho - spirit, soul) and δήλος (dilos - manifesting). The literal meaning of the term is the manifesting spirit. It is to the substances "manifesting the spirit" that this category of substances can be attributed. Their use, respectively, and the trip itself, will be accompanied by such effects as stimulation, euphoria, increased tactile and emotional sensations, empathy, various kinds of visual distortions. The intensity of these and other effects directly depends on the specific substance and its dosage.​

Chapter 2 About the Bad Trip​

Bad trip is a psychedelic state similar to a trip, an altered state of consciousness, which is characterized by perception that is different from usual, high sensitivity to current experiences and intense introspection, which lies in an in-depth analysis of one's own activity: thoughts, feelings and actions. A distinctive feature of the bad trip is its negative opposite, a mirror image with the worst manifestations. If the first is characterized by an in-depth analysis of own thoughts, feelings and actions, then the second is an analysis of own bad thoughts, bad feelings and bad actions.​
It should be mentioned that a bad trip can also accompany the use of the substances mentioned above, such as MDMA and THC. This manifests itself in relation to the entire effects row. A slight anxiety is replaced by a strong panic, a fear feeling, interesting visual distortions, a complete loss of coordination in space, lightness and euphoria with painful sensations and so on. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the depth and complexity of the bad trip does not always depend on the dosage. In other words, you can face it even when using an average dosage of the substance (in some cases, even a low one).​

Chapter 3 Prevention​

Talking about preventing a bad trip, we will also mean help in the a bad trip, since many of the basics of first aid are similar to its preventing methods. In other words, prevention methods are also relevant for consumers already in the bad trip. Since the previous chapter mentioned the minor role of the substance dosage dependence, the main factor in prevention is a complete approach to trip planning, attitude and environment. The attitude is an internal component, which is consist of your thoughts, feelings, mood. It can also include the purpose of use and expectations from it.​

Do not plan to use psychedelics or postpone it if you are in difficult life situations, depression, illness or any physical discomfort.

If you get stuck on a bad thought or emotion while on a trip, start thinking about something good and notice how the state will quickly be changed. If you can't switch from a bad thought, try to figure out your attitude towards it. Think about what you are doing wrong, what you do not like and what exactly worries you. The state quickly changes to good if you find answers to the questions that you ask yourself.​

The attitude and the environment complement each other, both in terms of preparing for a trip and in terms of dealing with a bad trip. If you're having trouble to channel your mood in a positive direction, try to make environment adjustments such as turn on a music you like, sit in a comfortable position, focus on video clips or something else. It all depends on your personal preferences.​

The environment is an external component. The environment company, place. In order not to bring negativity into the trip, the atmosphere should be chosen in a way that is comfortable for you.​

If you do not like nature, then you should not choose an outside place as a place for consumption. Accordingly, if you do not like a closed, noisy or any other closed space, you should not choose it for a trip. If you have taken psychedelics in an inappropriate environment, then you should change it. For example, go into a house or leave a noisy place.​

The environment and attitude complement each other, both in terms of preparing for the trip and in the struggle against the bad trip. Along with a change of environment to a comfortable one for you, try to think about something good, interesting and the state will quickly be changed.​

If your bad state does not change, pharmacological drugs can help you. The most appropriate for use are two groups: antipsychotics (antipsychotics, that is, substances against psychosis, which from the point of view of medicine is a psychedelic trip) and benzodiazepines (tranquilizers, substances which action is aimed at eliminating the the basis of fear). Since tranquilizers calm you down, sedate and relax the nervous system (exactly what is needed to reduce the intensity of the trip). As an alternative (for mild cases or conditions bordering on a bad trip), a third group should be considered: natural sedatives, which help a lot in getting out of the borderline states together with the correct approach to the attitude and environment, directing the trip in the positive way.​

Haloperidol and chlorpromazine are the most suitable (it is best used with strong arousal) substances from the first group. These drugs should be approached with extreme caution because they cause side effects (which can add to the bad trip) frequently in high doses. They may not help in small doses.​

Any available in your area are suitable: diazepam (Valium), phenazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam, alprozalam (Xanax) and others from the second group. These drugs are suitable for a vast majority of people without significant side effects. They have both strong sedative and antipsychotic effects and can help normalize cardiovascular activity.​

Any natural remedies that have a sedative effect from the third group are suitable: chamomile, mint, motherwort, valerian, as well as tinctures using these herbs. Both options are well combined with each other, for example, you can brew herbal tea and add a small amount of tincture (1-2 teaspoons) to it. If you have drugs with phenobarbital, you can use it instead of tincture, as an addition to brewed tea. This group of drugs can also be used before using psychedelics if you are anxiety prone or if you are trying psychedelics for the first time and are worried about it.​

Osmosis Vanderwaal

Moderator in US section
Jan 15, 2023
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A very informative write up. Covers just about all aspects. the only thing I would add is if You're concerned about staying safe you can consider a trip sitter. a good trip sitter is not your buddy who's never even tried psychedelics. They have no idea what to do when shit gets hairy. Pick your most experienced friend instead. A good trip sitter can act as a neo-shaman, and direct your experience and keep things moving. An idle mind is the devil's playground.


Don't buy from me
Oct 11, 2022
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Something to add to this is that bad trips are typically presented as highly anxious thought loops. You become anxious about something and then hyper fixate on that thing, but not in a thoughtful manner, simply re-thinking the same pattern of thoughts over and over again, raising your anxiety levels every time.
Getting out of thought loops is relatively straight forward if you have help. less easy if you don't.

Something as simple as changing the music, going for a walk, getting fresh fruit from the fridge, can break you out of the loop, but it is much easier if you have someone who can say "hey lets walk and I want to show you these strawberries and have you thought about the day after Christmas?"

Something just to jar your mind to something else long enough for the loop to cease.

Benzo's work extremely well for bad trips as they reduce your anxiety, removing the building tension/fear/panic that bad trips induce. They do, however, act like trip killers and largely end the psychedelic aspects of the trip.


Nov 23, 2021
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Yes, a good trip-sitter is the best prevention and medicine for a bad trip.