The subject of test propionate. Usually this compound is usually dosed at 100mg per ml. Now to explain this homrone we first need to acknowledge the main difference in this compound is the ester, most of these steroids have a ester attach to the hormone the ester is the time release of the hormone in the body. Test propionate has a three day half life so basically with in 24 hours you will start to have the hormone attach to your receptors, now test prop has a little bit of a post injection pain nothing that is dibilitating, it will feel like a bee sting for 48 hours but that is also how you will know it was synthesized correctly and that the steroid is real. Test prop is mainly used for a quick front load while your waiting for other steroids to kick in, it is also used with a lot of sport athletes that are tested because of the short half life. Now the other good thing about test prop is the minimum water retention that you will gain. sometimes with longer ester steroid especially with test cyp, test enth and some nelderones like deca and dbol. ill get into that in a another episode, in conclusion test prop is a great alternative for peopl sensitive to water retention and for people that are test for steroids, the best dosages for this steroid are 300mg to 1000mg you can go higher if you want. You wont have to worry about estrogen side effects ethier meaning gyno and low libido will not be a worry with this form of test. Next subject decca durobolin.