and they lived happily ever after... maby :)


Don't buy from me
Jan 20, 2023
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I'm asking because I'm interested in your opinion as a more experienced group. I will spare myself the story about the friend who asked me to ask this question and start with the facts: being 30 years old, a dog and some money from renting an apartment every month, but impending sentence of 5-6 years, I am not going to give up what I enjoy that is, apart from the dog, back to playing chemist. I am aware of everything, etc. The question concerns a hypothetical moment, in a few months, when I will be driving towards the sunset with a smile on my face with money for a good start :) Which country would you choose and what would you pay attention to when choosing? I live in Europe, in Poland, in my opinion Asia will be the safest. Living at the end of the world, without electronics, splendor and all the rest of this crap, which Western civilization considers the greatest achievement, is theoretically a plus for me. I will not throw any more thoughts so as not to suggest anyone. Despite the enthusiasm, common sense and facts are still the most important

Gordon Ramsay

Don't buy from me
Jun 2, 2023
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Damn, no reply since January..

I hope you are well dude..

To be honest, I wouldn't tie it to a specific country, it is important that the country you would choose does not has a extradiction treaty signed with Poland and idealy not the best relationships to the EU too.
I could think of Venezuela as this is a nice and warm country that happens to be a safe haven for oldshool terrorists from european terror groups from before 2000.

You would want a cheap country that is not well connected to the rest of the world but modern enough to be a good place to life in terms of ageing (hospitals, health care)

You have to think in small steps too. Start processing this from the beginning. What will the situation look like when you have to leave? Will you be able to travel through airports? There are so many questions to ask yourself! Ideally you would want to have one safe place in Poland prepared to be visited exactly when your escape starts, another safe place located in a country from which you could fly to your final destination. This country would need to be outside EU and agian, no extradiction treaty signed with Poland.

You have to keep in mind that in the case of a definite inprisonment there would be an arrest warrant filed against you immediately if you would not attend prison, with the potential to be issued to Europol or Interpol too.

Stay safe


Don't buy from me
Jan 20, 2023
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Thanks for answer. i'm fine. I left Poland, but i'm still in Europe. I'm making money.

So far, I am not wanted, some court case took place a few days ago, but the presence was optional and somehow no one noticed that I did not intend to show myself. It's a bit strange, because I didn't pay the bail and I didn't report to the police once. The attorneys for the other two people involved in the case seem to be trying to prolong things as long as they can, because I heard one had a kid. fuck those rats :).

I had to start with a legal job, I chose a country where I don't know anyone and I've never been there. I didn't work for quite a few years, but I used to be a good welder and that's where I decided to start. I'm downloading all the videos just in case, because I'm thinking of opening up a little "kitchen" and pushing everything online. On the one hand, I haven't traded online yet, so I have a lot of learning ahead of me, but on the other hand, I'm not very contact person and if I had to look for people from the beginning, I wouldn't be able to stand it mentally :).

As for the future, I want to leave Europe as soon as possible, I think I have about a year or two before I am seriously wanted, but you know the sooner the better. What about airports, if I was wanted on a European arrest warrant, what if I was flying from an airport outside Europe? It was through these airports that I rejected South America at first. Africa is also dubious for this reason, although I have a brother-in-law from Africa and I just found out that his brother opened 4 restaurants there :). Asia seems to be the safest, in the worst case I will always find a job as a welder.
In Poland, I have a flat that is not owned by me and is rented, so I will have some money from it.

All in all, that's it for now. If anyone has any advice or comments, I'd love to hear them

Gordon Ramsay

Don't buy from me
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
Thanks for answer. i'm fine. I left Poland, but i'm still in Europe. I'm making money.

So far, I am not wanted, some court case took place a few days ago, but the presence was optional and somehow no one noticed that I did not intend to show myself. It's a bit strange, because I didn't pay the bail and I didn't report to the police once. The attorneys for the other two people involved in the case seem to be trying to prolong things as long as they can, because I heard one had a kid. fuck those rats :).

I had to start with a legal job, I chose a country where I don't know anyone and I've never been there. I didn't work for quite a few years, but I used to be a good welder and that's where I decided to start. I'm downloading all the videos just in case, because I'm thinking of opening up a little "kitchen" and pushing everything online. On the one hand, I haven't traded online yet, so I have a lot of learning ahead of me, but on the other hand, I'm not very contact person and if I had to look for people from the beginning, I wouldn't be able to stand it mentally :).

As for the future, I want to leave Europe as soon as possible, I think I have about a year or two before I am seriously wanted, but you know the sooner the better. What about airports, if I was wanted on a European arrest warrant, what if I was flying from an airport outside Europe? It was through these airports that I rejected South America at first. Africa is also dubious for this reason, although I have a brother-in-law from Africa and I just found out that his brother opened 4 restaurants there :). Asia seems to be the safest, in the worst case I will always find a job as a welder.
In Poland, I have a flat that is not owned by me and is rented, so I will have some money from it.

All in all, that's it for now. If anyone has any advice or comments, I'd love to hear them
lokozomboThat is nice to hear that you are fine! :)

I wish you the best of luck with everything, stay safe!!
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Don't buy from me
Jan 20, 2023
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When shit hits the fan these are unfortunately the things to expect :( Stay strong in all of this!!
Gordon RamsayAs you say, everything is unpredictable anyway. The biggest plans often fail because of small mistakes that could not have been foreseen. You have to take risks in this business. By the way, what's the worst that can happen, 5 or 6 years in prison? Contrary to appearances, it's not terrible there. Of course, it's a waste of time and a bit boring, it would bother me more that I gave up, that I lost to them. I believe in myself and that I can succeed, and I think I'm more afraid of giving up than losing. It's possible that what I do will end up worse, but of my own free will and after the fight. It's important not to do anything against yourself and feel good about yourself :)

Gordon Ramsay

Don't buy from me
Jun 2, 2023
Reaction score
As you say, everything is unpredictable anyway. The biggest plans often fail because of small mistakes that could not have been foreseen. You have to take risks in this business. By the way, what's the worst that can happen, 5 or 6 years in prison? Contrary to appearances, it's not terrible there. Of course, it's a waste of time and a bit boring, it would bother me more that I gave up, that I lost to them. I believe in myself and that I can succeed, and I think I'm more afraid of giving up than losing. It's possible that what I do will end up worse, but of my own free will and after the fight. It's important not to do anything against yourself and feel good about yourself :)
Contrary to appearances, it's not terrible there
I would label prison a terrible place regardeless

Stay safe


Don't buy from me
Jan 29, 2022
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Nice profile picture.
Never surrender to law enforcement.
You can sit in prison for what you did later in life. Better later than now.
Hope you all the best G.
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