Can undisclosed Adsense income across countries be detected?


Don't buy from me
New Member
Jul 18, 2023
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Roughly 150K was paid by Google Adsense (Ireland) into a private UK bank account.
I am not resident in the UK but am in another EU country where taxes should be declared and not in the UK. This income has not been declared anywhere.

My concern is that the transactions from Google on my UK bank account might get sent to the tax office where I live.

- The income was not reported to HMRC in the UK.

- I never provided my UK bank account with my German address - the bank has an old address in the UK.

- The thing is that HMRC in the UK would not know about this income unless they found out from the UK bank, so I don't think they would be sending this data to their colleagues in the EU country where I live.

How likely is it for the tax office of this EU country to find out? There are things such as AEOI in place - where Automatic exchange of information between financial institutions of different jurisdictions are sent to competent tax authorities where the person resides. Not sure if the UK banks can inform directly the EU country authorities or if it will have to go through HMRC first.

I wonder if with AEOI details of these transaction will get sent to the EU country tax office (or my unusual high balance might get seen).

Would love to hear someone's opinion if they have experience with this stuff? Or is there a more suited forum somewhere here in the dark web?

I now wish I had declared it, but it's too late now. I mean, it's never too late to declare it... but the money 💸 has been all spent.


Oct 4, 2023
Reaction score
I hope the money was all spend on good things but it does not sounds like it :D

In the future it will be good to get yourself into a situation that allows for a tax exclusion because of your residency so that you don't have to worry.
It can be legal to not pay taxes but it needs to be according to the laws